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He smiles. "Hey baby girl. Miss me?"

"No." I answer in full honesty.

"Oh come on." He comes closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You totally did." He kisses my neck.

I push him off. "TAEHYUNG!" That's the first name that comes to mind.

"He can't hear you, sweetheart. Not over the music."

"Why are you here?"

"I work here now."

My eyes widen and he smirks.

"TAEHYUNG!" I try again.

This time, Taehyung comes running up.

"What?" He looks between me and Jared.

"Get him away from me." I glare at Jared. He makes a kissy face.

Taehyung nods and calls for the guards.

Two men pick him up and carry him outside.

I hug Taehyung, letting tears fall. "Thanks."

"No problem." He hugs back.

"K-Kat?" Brown eyes stare at me, pain evinent.

I pull away quickly. "C-Calum?!"


I take a deep breath and spill my guts before I can chicken out. "I like you. Your perfect. Your smart, confident, and much more. So, I'm gonna ask you this before I can change my mind. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I brace myself.

"Ummm." She leans back.

Oh god, she's gonna say no. I look down at my hands, mentally cursing myself for being so stupid.

"Yes." She speaks.

"What!?" I look up at her, my eyes wide.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." She smiles.

I smile back and kiss her. She immediately kisses back.

This is the best day of my life.


This is the worst day of my life.

"C-Calum?!" Kat looks at me, wide-eyed.

The guy steps infront of her.

She rolls her eyes and steps away from him. "Taehyung this is Calum. Calum this is Taehyung, we've been friends since........forever."

She smiles a little.

Taehyung nods then turns to Kat. "Was that Jared?"

She nods. "Unfortunately."

Jared was here?

He nods. "What happened with you two again?"

Um, hello, I'm right here.

Kat looks at me, guilt filling her eyes.

"Kat!!!" Shawn Mendes staggers up and leans his elbow on her shoulder. "You..... have got to try the tiquila." He hics.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now