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"Katara, do you know where you are?" I hear one of the doctors say.

I pushed passed one of the people surrounding the bed and there Katara was - awake. I sobbed happy tears.

"I'm in the hospital." She replies, still not noticing me. I want to jump on her bed and hug her, I've missed her voice so much.

"Do you know who this is?" The doctor points at me. I grin as Kat looks at me.

"That's the father of my children." She smiles

"Kat I've missed you so much!" I hug her tightly.

"I've missed you too, I guess?" She laughs

"We're gonna leave you two alone for awhile." A doctor says, after telling Kat that she was in a coma for about two weeks, then leaving the room with everybody else.

I sit back on the chair next to Kat.

"Wow, you've missed a lot." I laugh.

She smiles, her eyes widen and she sits up. "My babies! Where are they?! Are they okay!?"

I smile. "They are at home with Kendall, Blake, Logan, James, and Nicole."

She sighs and lays back down. "Home... When can I go?"

I sigh. "I don't know Kat." I push a strand of her hair out of her eyes and tuck it behind her ear.

"Call Kendall and tell him I'm okay." She gives me puppy eyes.

I nod and stand up.

She grabs my arm.

I look down at her.

Her eyes are full of fear. "Please don't leave."

"But.... Kendall."

"Just text him. I don't trust hospitals."

I nod and sit down.

I get out my phone and send a group message.

Me: Guess what.

Ash: Not now Cal.

Kat's idiot brother: What do you want Fuckboy?

Me: Kat's awake


Luke: WHAT

Kat's idiot brother: WHAT

Logan: WHAT

Blake: WHAT

Nicole: WHAT

James: REALLY?

Carlos: WHAT

Michael: WHAT

Me: she just woke up a few minutes ago...

Kat's idiot brother: I'm coming over there right now

After about twenty minutes, everyone is in Kat's hospital room.

"My babies!" Kat holds out her arms.

Kendall gives her Jamari.

Blake still has sleeping Lydiette in her arms.


I missed them all so much!

Blake hands me Lydiette and I smile at my babies.

Kendall signs me out and we all go home.

Calum follows me to my room.

I put the babies in their crib.

"What do you want Cal?" I turn around and face him.

"Kat........... I......... still love you."

I look at him confused.

He sighs. "I'm sorry. I know I messed up but I love you and-" He sighs. "I'm an idiot for thinking you'll take me back."

I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

He looks at the ground and shakes his head. "I-I should g-go."

He turns around and heads up the stairs.

"Cal, wait." The words tumble out before I can stop them.

He turns around. "What?"

"I......." Am I really gonna say this?

He comes back down the stairs. "Your what?"

"I......." Come on Kat, spit it out.

He comes closer to me. His hands find their way to my waist. "Say what you need to say baby."

I smile but it wavers. I never stopped loving you Calum Thomas Hood.

That's what I want to say but insted I say, "I want you to be apart of Lydiette and Jamari's lives."

He looks slightly dissapointed but nods. "Every birthday, concert, soccer game, graduation, everything."

I smile and hug him. He waste no time hugging back.

Come on Calum, don't let me down this time.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now