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I make some chicken, rice, broccoli, and mac-n-chesse.

I get everyone's food and they eat like they haven't seen food in years. I pick at my food.

A wave of nausea hits and I run downstairs to my bathroom.

Blake comes and holds back my hair.

I lean my back against the bathtub. "I hate being pregnate."

"I know you do." She ties my hair back.

We go back upstairs.

"You okay sis?" Kendall stands.

I nod. "Just regular sickness that comes with pregnancy."

He nods.

We watch Impractical Jokers and Carbonaro Effect until there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Kendall pats my stomach then gets up and goes to the door.


I jump up but immediately feel dizzy and fall back down.

"Are you okay!?" Everyone runs to my side.

I laugh. "I'm fine. I just stood up too fast."

"Do you need some water?" Carlos asks.

"I'm fi-"

"I'm gonna get you some water." He runs into the kitchen before I can protest.

"Is your heartbeat okay?" Logan takes my wrist, checking my pulse.

"Guys, guys, I'm fine really." I stand up. "See?" I hold my arms out and spin around slowly.

"Sit down, sis." Kendall looks at me concerned.

I sigh and sit down.

"We have to start planning our double wedding." Blake sits next to me.

Calum immediately looks worried.

I get up and go to him. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay. We'll figure this out together."

He nods, looking relieved.

"Okay, everyone who is not getting married, upstairs!" Blake yells.

Luke, Ashton, Michael, Logan, Carlos, and James run upstairs.

Calum, Kendall, and Blake sit on the couch.

I pull up a bean-bag chair.

"No no no no no no! You sit on the couch." Calum stands up.

I gently push him back down and sit on his lap. A small whimper escapes his lips. I smirk.

Kendall clears his throat. "Let's just start planning. Shall we?"

We nod.

30 minutes later

"Okay, so all Blake and I need to do is pick out our dresses and the bridesmaids."

"And all me and Cal need to do is get tuxes for us and the others."

We all high-five and cheer.

"What do you wanna do now?" I ask.

We all become silent, thinking.

Kendall's phone rings. "Hello?....... Yeah, she's here......... Oh, okay........ Sure, yeah, yeah. We'll see you there..... Okay..... Bye!" He hangs up.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now