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I know Katara is nervous. Even though she can't say anything, I can tell by the way she grips on my hand. The only time she let go was when we got in my car. Even then, she panicked when I took longer to get in the car than she did and immediately grabbed my hand as soon as I buckled up.

I sigh. "Babe. You'll be fine." I run my thumb over her knuckles, trying to make her feel better.

She just smiles weakly.

I stop at a stop light and turn to her. "I'm serious. You'll be okay."

She smiles.


She looks panicked.

I sigh. "Blink once for 'yes'. Twice for 'no'. Three for 'okay'. Four for 'bad idea'."

She blinks three times.

I smile and continue driving.


We arrive. Kat squeezes my hand.

I look at her. "Ready?"

She hesitates but blinks once.

I nod and lead her inside.

The girl at the desk looks at Kat with wide-eyes. Kat averts her gaze, embarrassed.

I clear my throat. "If your done staring. We'd like to see the doctor." I snap.

She nods quickly. "D-down the hall. F-first door on y-your left."

I suddenly feel bad but drag Kat down the hall.

She pulls away and hits my chest. She mouths 'WTF!'

I sigh. "I know. I know."

She sighs and we go in.


"Okay Miss Schmidt. Lets get this brace off of you."

I squeeze Calum's hand. He winces but dosn't let me go.

Dr. Houston is my mother's old friend. I've known him forever. But this is still nerve racking. He takes my brace off. "Okay, I'm gonna gently touch your neck. Okay?"

I blink three times.

He looks at Calum, confused. "Oh. We've been telling her to, blink once for 'yes', twice for 'no', three for 'okay', and four for 'bad idea.'"

"Ah. Okay Katara, tell me if this hurts." He puts his cold hands loosly around my neck.

I jerk back, the image of that day pops into my head.

"Hurts?" Calum wraps his arm around my waist.

I blink twice. "M-memory." I choke out. A burning sensation stops me from saying more.

"Shhh Katara. It's not time to talk yet." He gently touches my neck. "These bruises should fade soon. But hopefully you'll be able to speak and everything will be fine."

"Hopefully!?" Calum's grip tightens.

Dr. Houston sighs. "Sir, I'm not sure if her vocal chords are healed all the way. Or if they'll ever be."

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now