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Blake and Kendall are in Bora Bora for their honeymoon.

It's just me, James, Logan, and the kids. It's kind of quiet here without them.

Nicole is over here all the time but hasn't fully moved in. James keeps begging her to but she says she has to stay home because her mom is sick and weak and her little sisters need to be taken care of.

Calum won't move in because he needs to be with the band 24/7.

James and Nicole took the kids to the park and Logan went to work. Calum and I are sitting on the couch, watching Disney Channel.

"I think you'd be Riley.." Calum smiles.

"No way, I'm Maya." I elbow him.

He just laughs.

I grab the remote and pause the show.

He groans. "What'd ya do that for?! Maya was making fun of Lucas!"

I just smile and kiss his cheek. "We need to plan for our wedding..."

He sits up and rubs his face, groaning. "Ooookay."

I roll my eyes. "I don't want the traditional song to play as I walk down the asile...."

He looks at me. "Then what song would you like to play?"

I shrug. "That's your decision."

He rolls his eyes but smiles. "Why?"

I shrug again. "It's romantic......." I suddenly feel like an idiot.

He smiles. "Okay. I'll start thinking of what song will play when you walk down the asile and what song to sing to you."

I just smile and lean on him. He hits play and I fall asleep a few minutes later.


She looks so peacful....

The door opens and slams against the wall.

"KAT, WE'RE HOOOOOMME!!!!" James yells.

"Shhhhhh Maslow! She's asleep." I whisper/yell.

"Oh, sorry." He whispers and they all walk in. Logan and Nicole are holding my sleeping kids in their carseats.

They set them down for a minute, so they can take off their jackets. Jamari has his hands curled into fist and Lydiette has her head on her shoulder and she look confused but also peaceful, like her mom.

Nicole and Logan go downstairs to, probably, put them to bed.

James takes Kat from me and carries her downstairs.

The commercial for Extra gum comes on. I jump up "I know what song to sing to her!"

"What?" Nicole looks at me like I'm crazy.

"For our wedding." I grin, proud of myself.

"Oh. Well, you chose the right song. Kat loves that commercial." Logan smiles.

I sit back down. "Now, what song needs to play when she walks down the asile.........."

"How about 'God Gave Me You' by Bryan White? You did dedicate that song to her that one night at the club.." Logan sits next to me.

"Yeah! That's perfect!" I smile so big, my face hurts.

My phone rings. I have to fish into the couch cushions to get it. I look at the name and my smile fades.

"Who is it?" Logan asks.

"Liana." Her name comes out sharp and bitter.

I hear them groan and I press ignore. I promised Katara I wouldn't take to her.

James comes back upstairs. "All three sleeping peacefully."

I just smile.

A few months later
Twins 2nd birthday party

Blake and Kendall are back and it's the twins second birthday party. Their actual birthday was yesterday.

"Calum! Help me with the decorations!" Katara yells.

"Why do we need a big party? They're only two." I complain but get up and go in there anyway.

She climbs down from the table while saying, "Because, darling, it's a big deal for a Schmidt to have a kid with a memeber of 5sos. Let alone two!" She puts her hands on my shoulders. "And besides, don't you want me and the kids to meet your mom and sister?"

I put my hands around her waist, pulling her closer, and nod. "I do. Believe me, I do. But my mum and sister may not be so open to the idea of me marrying you but already having kids....."

Her smile fades and she pulls away. "Oh."

I wrap my arms around her from behind and put my chin on her shoulder. "Come on. I'm sure they'll love you. Like I do."

She just smiles and I kiss her cheek. "Babe, so you trust me?"

She looks confused but says, "Yeeeeeaaaaah."

"Then, come on." I grab her hand and pull her towards the door. She wiggles her hand away, I stop, and turn to look at her. "What's wrong?"

She holds up one finger, grabs her jacket, and yells over her shoulder, "KENDALL! ME AND CALUM ARE GOING OUT! WATCH THE KIDS?!"

"Sure!" He yells from upstairs.

She turns and smiles at me. I grab her hand and pull her out the door.

"Oh, Kat!" Blake runs out.


"I know the perfect song to sing for you guys after the toast!" She beams.

"What song?" Kat asks.

"The song from the Extra gum commercial!"

My heart sinks.

"Perfect!" She hugs her. "That's the perfect song sis!"

Blake smiles then heads back inside.

"What did you want to do?" Kat turns back to me.

"After the party, I want to take you somewhere....."

"Then why did we have to come outside for you to tell me that?"

I shrug. "I was planning something else."

"Ooookaaaaaay?" She goes back inside.

I sigh. I had found a CD with that song on it and I was gonna drive around so we could listen to it. But never mind.......

I go back inside.


"Okay, everything looks good. Calum, does this banner look straight?"

He saunters over. He squints at it and tilts his head to the side. "Yeah."

I sigh and turn to him. "Is something wrong?"

He shakes his head no.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Gosh!" He stomps off.

I sigh and sit on the couch. This is why I didn't want him to be apart of our kids's lives.

I go down to my room and pick out an outfit to wear for the party.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now