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"Woo-hoo!" We're all drunk and dancing by the shore. Except for Blake and Kendall, they took the kids up to bed about an hour ago.

James collapses, pulling Nicole down with him. They immediately start making out.

"Get a room!" I slur.

They giggle and run into the house. Now it's just me, Calum, Logan, and Erin.

One hour later

Logan and Erin retired to their room. Calum hasn't drank anything so he's somewhat sober.

"Come on babe, it's one in the morning." He tries to coax me away from the sea.

"But this is fun! Come on Calum, let's go make more kids." I giggle, kissing his neck.

"No babe. You're drunk, I'm not gonna take advantage of you." Calum has to hold me up.

I wiggle away, glaring at him. "Do you not love me?!"

He sighs. "I do love you, that's why I'm not going to fuck you when you're drunk."

I feel my feet being swept up from under me. I look and see Calum carrying me bridal-style. "No!" I wail, scratching his cheek with my long, sharp nails.

"Ow!" He recoils but his grip on me tightens.

After some struggle, I let my tiredness take over and I fall asleep in his arms.


I finally get Katara into our room. Lydie and Jamari are both sound asleep in their beds.

I sigh, going into our private bathroom. I inspect the four scratches that Kat left on my cheek. I sigh again, pulling the disinfectant from the medicne cabnit. I turn on the faucet, apply some disinfectant on my hands, and wash my cheek. I splash water on my face and dry off.

I climb into bed with Kat, pulling her back to my chest.

I wonder if she'll remember what she said.......

The next morning

In the early hours of the morning, sleepily, I rolled over on the bed to reach for Katara, but I found a cool empty space. I sat up right, listening for any sounds of her moving inside the bathroom.

I heard her groaning, gagging and coughing- as if she was throwing up.

I immediately left the bed and ran towards the bathroom. "Katara! Are you okay?"

I saw her kneeling on the floor in front of the toliet bowl- vomiting. "Hangover."

I sigh, kneel next to her, and caress her back up and down. "Well the good news is, it's just hangover, not pregnancy."

She stiffens and I hear her sigh. My eyes widen as she sits up, back against the bathtub, and pushes her hair away from her face.

"It's not hangover." She won't meet my eyes.

"But, but, I saw you drink!"

She smiles a little. "I took one sip of that beer, the rest I dumped out on the sand."

"But, but, you..." I trail off.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now