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The car ride was silent but as soon as we pulled up, James puts a hand on my leg.

"It'll be okay Kat." He smiles.

How can everything be okay when the love of my life may be dying?!

I wanted to scream at him but I just nod and we go inside.

We walk up to the desk.

"Excuse me ma'am." James clears his throat.

The girl looks up at him. "Yes? May I help you?" She flips her golden-blonde hair over her shoulder.

"We're here to see Calum Hood." James takes my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"Are you family?" She looks up at us.

My grip tightens on James's hand.

"Um no not exactly." He stammers.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you in. Have a nice day." She waves her hand at us.

I bang my fist on the table, making her jump. "Listen here lady!" I point down the hall. "My boyfriend may very well be dying! So you better fuc-"

"It's okay ma'am, she's with us." A voice interrupts me.

I turn and see Ashton.

"Ashton." I run up and hug him, loose tears dampening his shirt.

We follow Ashton to the elevator.

"Is he okay?!" I look at Ashton.

He nods but says nothing.


The elevator dings and Ash leads is to Calum's room.

I see him and gasp. He has a bandage around his head and he has an IV in. The monoter tells me his heart rate is a little low. At least he's just asleep and not dead.

I bury my face in James's chest, too weak to cry but too broken to see him.

James sits down and pulls me to his lap.

I fall alseep in his arms.


Someone shook me awake.

I groan and open my eyes to Kendall and everyone else. I sit up, yawn and stretch.

"He wants to see you." Luke gestures into his room.

I nod and get up. Kendall puts his hand on my shoulder. He leans in and lowers his voice so only I can hear.

"You love him don't you?"

I nod. He sighs and lets me go.

I slowly walk into the room, closing the door behind me. I walk to his bedside and meet his eyes.

"Kat." He smiles and tries to sit up.

I put my hand on his chest and slowly push him back down. "You- you need rest." I bite back tears.

He puts his hand on mine, pinning it to his chest. "Please......stay."

I kiss him in response. He immediately kissed me back.

The door swings open and I pull away.

"Mr. Hood?" A lady walks in.

"Hey Doc." He sits up and smiles, completely ignoring me.

She smiles back. "You just have a small cuncusion. You'll be free to go in a few hours."

He nods. "Cool."

I sigh. Calum looks at me just grasping that I'm there. "I'll just.. go." I start to leave.

"Kat wait." He calls after me.

I just leave not in the mood for bullshit.

I sit in James's lap wanting this day to be over.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now