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I sigh, after saying goodbye to the last guest. Knedall and Blake are alseep in their room. Calros and his wife went home. James persuaded Nicole to spend the night and Logan, like the loner he is, slept alone.

"That was........hectic." Calum breathes.

"Yeah, well, you should've seen the boys' parties in LA."

He chuckles. "I don't know if I want to."

I laugh.

There's a scratching at the door. Calum looks at me confused. I shrug and go to the door. "Awwwww." I kneal down and pick it up.

"What is it?" Calum comes up behind me.

I turn around and show him. "Can we keep him?"


"Can we keep him?" She looks at me hopefully.

I shrug.

"Oh come on. Look at him." She hands him to me.

He's obviously a german shepherd but there's something else mixed in. He's black with some tan here and there. He licks me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I laugh. "Well he is cute. But would it be safe for Lydiette and Jamari?"

She sighs and pets his head. "I grew up with a german shepherd but they didn't allow pets in the Palm Woods apartments. His name was Parkway. We found him, skinny and weak, on the curb of Parkway and 8th street." She smiles slightly.

"Well, we'll have to ask the others but I say yes either way."

Her smile widens and she takes the puppy from me. She carries him downstairs with me right behind her.

We end up sleeping with the dog at our feet.


"Pleeeeaaase Kendaaaaallllllll." I beg.

"Kat, we don't know if he has fleas or something."

"We'll take him to the vet then. Please Kenny, he looks just like Parkway.."

He sighs. "Fine, I'm in. Blake?"

"He's adorable and I've always loved german shepherds. I'm in. Nicole?"

I hate his thing we do but, I guess it's like a family vote.

"I'm in. Babe?"

James smiles. "I'm in, Logan."


"Yay! Thanks guys! I'll take him to the vet right now. And I promise I'll take care of him."

Kendall nods. "Okay, but today is Wednesday."

"And we have a double-shift tomarrow..." Blake adds.

"Okay." Calum picks up the puppy and carries him to my car.

"Can you guys watch the kids?" I don't have a van.

Kendall sighs. "We'll watch them but you need to sell your car and use the money to get a van."

"I'm not selling my baby. I'll just earn some money to get a van and use the car for date nights with Calum." I walk out the door.


"What's the little guy's name?" The vet looks at us.

I shrug. "He's a stray, we just found him last night."

She smiles warmly. "Okay. Just come up with a name."

Calum speaks before I can. "Parkway." He smiles at me. I smile back.

"Okay. I'll take care of him." She smiles down at the dog. Parkway.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now