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So, Kat and Calum are engaged? Oh, not for long!

Just wait untill I post this picture of her and Taehyung online.

I post the picture with the caption 'Cheating On Calum Hood?'

I laugh to myself. She's so done!

I look at myself in the mirror.

I put on an innocent face. "Oh, Calum, I'm so sorry!"

I laugh.


Nicole and James have been dating for a month now. Her, Blake, and me are like sisters now. I like having friends I can count on.

What the hell?!

'Cheating On Calum Hood?'

Um no! I love him too much to do that to him.

"Blake! Nicole!"

"What!?" They run down to my room.

"This." I show them.

"Oh, hell, no! Who posted this bullshit!?" Nicole yells.

I look at the account. "Liana!?"

"Who?" Blake looks over my shoulder.

"The bitch who stole my boyfriend back in LA!" I look at the picture. "C- Celestica?"

"Oh hell no! Where this bitch at?" Nicole yells.

I shrug. My blood boils.

Calum comes downstairs. We all look at him.

"Did I interrupt something?"

I hand Blake my laptop, walk to him and wrap my arms around his torso. I instantly start crying.

He pets my hair in hopes it'll calm me down. "What's wrong babe?"

"A fucking bitch posted shit online about her cheating on you with Taehyung." Blake explains.

He looks down at me.

"I didn't! I swear! I love you too much to-"

He crashes his lips into mine, cutting me off. I immediately kiss him back.

He's the first to pull away. "I know. You're not that kind of girl."

"What are we gonna do?"

"We're getting married." I state blankly. "She's not gonna win."

They all nod.

"Come on, Kat, we have an ultrasound to go to." Calum smiles.

Blake and Nicole go upstairs with us. They explain everything to the guys as me and Calum leave.

We're immediately surrounded by press and paparazzi.

"Are you cheating on Calum?"

"Cal, did you see the post?"

Calum smiles. "The rumors are........ not true. Katara Schmidt dosn't cheat."

Calum drags me to the car and we drive to the hospital.


We go to the front desk and the girl tells us the room.

We go in there and I lay on the bed thingy.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now