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"Bubby I'm going out." Katara kisses my cheek and heads to the door.

"Okay Kat. Text me if you need a ride." I look up from my computer long enough to see her outfit. I shrug, she usually wears stuff like that. She shows off her body but she always wears her denim jacket to cover up whenever she chooses. Her necklace even has a motion detector built in, just in case some guy gets to handsy.

"Bye Kendall!" She opens the door but stops in the doorway, probably waiting for me to answer.

"Be back by three please."

"Okay." She leaves.

I sigh. I hate her being out alone. I don't want her to do anything. I don't want some guy to do anything. Especially not anyone from 1 Direction or 5sos!

I sigh and continue playing on my laptop.


I hate lying to Kendall but he would kill me if he knew where I was really going.

I pulled up to a fancy looking house. It was big and absolutely modern. I get my phone out and text Calum.

Katara: I'm outside. Come get me.

Calum: One second Katara. I'll be right there.

K: if we get caught

C: We're just friends Katara. Nothing will happen.

K: Fine.

I sigh and get on Facebook. I have four new friend requests. I roll my eyes. They should know I can't accept their requests. My brother and the others will see.

I hear someone yell. I jump and then I hear a laugh. I roll my eyes and open my door.

I punch Calum in the arm. "Jackass!" I get back in my car and start the engine.

"Wait! Please don't leave."

"Get over yourself. I hate it when people do shit like that."

He runs a hand through his dark hair. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't know."

I sigh and get out of my car and cross my arms. "Fine, but let's get a few things straight."

He nods.

"I'm not one of your fangirls. I don't give a rat's ass about your damn music. You may be cute but that dosn't mean I have to like anything you fucking do. So don't take advantage of me or I will leave!"

He smiles. "You think I'm cute?" He does this overly cute, goofy grin.

Of course that's the only thing he picks up on. I roll my eyes.

"I-I didn't-"

He smiles and crashes his lips into mine. I immediately taste alcohol. I push him off of me and sigh.

"Y-your drunk. You don't know what your doing."

He smiles. "I know exactly what I'm doing."

I look into his soft brown eyes and immediately know he means it.

"C-Calum you d-don't mean this." I put my hands on his chest.

He wraps his arms around my waist. "I mean every word."

I lean into kiss him when an ear piercing siren rings through the silence. I cover my ears and Calum covers his.

"What the hell is that?!" He looks at me, wide-eyed. I look down to see my necklace blinking.

I press the stop button. "Okay so hopefully my brother didn't hear it."

He nods. "Jeez! That's the last time I try anything with you!"

I frown. "Goodbye Calum." I get into my car.

"Wait I didn't mean-"

I glare at him. "Do you understand how I fucking feel! About my brother's band? People are afraid to date me because of my brother." That's why I'm a virgin.

"Look I know how you feel-"

"Ha! Just so you know, Calum! Me and the boys, we were fine just being normal people from Minnesota. Hell! I even had a boyfriend. But then one little audition, one little measly adventure, changed it all. We helped a producer, who was slowly losing his fame, while trying to make a name for ourselves. I wrote alllll their songs. I was finally happy! I had friends! I liked this movie star and he liked me. Then what happened? One Direction and your band comes along! Then the record company cuts us loose. Now, Carlos ran off and got married in Mexico. Logan and Kendall work at a smoothie bar, and James tries to keep his fame. But it's hard for him without his friends. The boys had no accents, no instruments, nothing eye-catching, but they still made it. You don't understand how that feels. You will never understand!" I start my car and drive off.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now