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I was driving by myself. No bodyguards, no driver, none of the other guys, just me. I'm dressed up in a button down shirt, skinny jeans and Niké sneakers. Hey, It was the best I can do on such short notice.

Kendall had called me. He probably got my number from Katara's phone. He sounded like he has been yelling and crying. His voice was raspy and sharp.


I lay on my bed, trying to decide what to do about Kat. I think I may love her. But I have no idea how to show her. I sigh and cover my face with my hands. My head is spinning.

My phone lights up and starts ringing. I hesitate but answer.


"Calum? It's Kendall."

Wtf! "Why are you calling me?"

"If you tell Katara, I'll beat the pretty out of you! But, your not the worst guy Kitty Kat has ever been interested in."

I smile at his nickname for her. "Really?" I smirk.

"Don't get cocky, pretty boy."

I frown at his name for me. "I'm not. I'm not. Why'd you call?"

He sighs. "It's about Harry."

My heart sped up. What had he done to her?!?!

I clear my throat. "What do you want me-"

"I want you to come over." He cuts me off.

I nod. "Okay." He gives me their adress and hangs up.

*end of flashback*


I pull up to their house. I immediately see Katara's car, it's the only one in the whole driveway. Their 'house' was more like a mansion! I get out of my car and walk up all the stairs to their front door. I feel out of place here.

I hear muffled music coming from a small window at the bottem of the house. "Is that Katara?" I roll my eyes. "Why am I talking to myself?!" I slap myself and take a deep breath.

I get down on all fours and look inside the window. I know, I know. I'm creepy. But she's really good!

I see Katara with an electric guitar. She's singing Irresistible by Jessica Simpson. What? It came on he radio once and I listened!

Her voice was sexy and seductive. She played the part well. The only thing weird was her outfit. She's wearing a dark blue hood with lose-fitting jeans. It didn't look like she was comfortable with the outfit.

She finsishes then looks off into the distance. I hear a door slam and then muffled yelling. She puts her hood up and tucks her hair in the hood. She puts her head in her hands. Her shoulders heave. She's crying! Shit!

I try to look closer but my hand slips and I find myself falling into her room.

I crash into a bookcase, knocking it over. Some books fall on me. Others fall around me or bounce off of me as soon ad they hit me.

She looks at me terrified. "Cal?!"

"Hi Kat." An embarrassed blush creeps up my face.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now