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I'm sitting in my bed, Calum is asleep next to me. He's wearing Kendall's Green Day shirt and ripped jeans.

Memories of me and Carlos keep flashing in my head, giving me a major headache.

I get up and go upstairs to the kitchen. I make myself a bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate hardshell and chocolate chips. I go sit in the living room and watch Disney movies.

I lay on the couch and watch Bambi, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, till I fall asleep.


I wake up without Kat next to me.

"Kitty Kat?" I mumble.

I sit up. "Kat?" I go upstairs and find Kat asleep on the couch.

I smile to myself, take a picture of her, then send it to the guys.

Me: *image attached* my bae

Ashton: she's cute when she's asleep.

Luke: and quieter lol

Michael: you people......

Ashton: :-(

Luke: Honey, what's wrong.

Ashton: Everything that's happened these few months. Kat in the hospital........

No one text back for five minutes.

Luke: well that got awkward fast.

Michael: when are we gonna go back on tour?

Me: when Kat is okay. I hate that I can't preform for the fans, but it's not like I can take Kat with me. Kendall wouldn't allow it.

Kat stirs in her sleep.

Me: I gotta go guys, Kat's awake.

I turn off my phone and look down at Kat.

Kat sits up and stretches. She rubs her eyes and looks at me.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey." She yawns.

I sit next to her and hug her.

The door opens and closes. "Kat! We have one hour to rehearse, and one hour to get there on time! Go get dressed. In something nice this time."

"What?" She stands up.

He rolls his eyes and sighs. "We're going to a reunion with all our famous friends."

My eyes widen. "Famous friends?"

This time, Kat is the one who sighs. "Ariana Grenada, Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendes, 1D, BTS, Selena Gomez, and anyone else you can think of."

She giggles at my dumb-struck face.


Calum is so suprised we know so many singers and bands. It's kind of funny.

Kendall clears his throat. "Get going Fuckboy. Are you wearing my clothes?!"

"I let him borrow them."

"Go get changed and give me my clothes back." Kendall pouts, sitting next to me.

Calum goes to my room to change. The other guys arrive and I go downstairs to get my guitar.

I walk in when Calum just took of his boxers.

I gasp and cover my eyes. "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry."

I feel hands on my wrist and Cal pulls my hands away from my eyes. I can't help but look down. At least he has boxers on now.

He smiles. "It's not like you've never seen me before."

I roll my eyes, I'm an idiot. "Get the rest of your clothes on." I grab my guitar and start to go upstairs.

Calum grabs my wrist and pulls me back down, pulling me to him. "When are you gonna let me?"

I roll my eyes and push him away. "When I'm ready." I huff and go upstairs.

"What took you so long." James whines.

I burst into tears. Carlos is the first to run to me.

I push him away. "YOUR F-FAULT!" I scream at him.

Calum comes running up the stairs. "Kat?!" He asks, worry tinting his voice.

I push him away and run to Kendall.

He hands me to James. "Calum out!" The door opens and closes.

Carlos and Kendall whisper in harsh tones.

James and Logan agree on taking me upstairs. James lifts me bridal-style and carries me up the stairs.


"What was that about?" Carlos asks as soon as the others are out of earshot.

I shrug. "Maybe she still loves you."

"But what about Calum?"

I shrug. "Good riddens."

"Kendall." He gives me a stern look.

James and Logan come back downstairs.

"Well?" I press.

"She wants to start cutting again." Logan sighs, running a hand through his hair.

I gulp. "No."

James rolls his eyes. "Der da der."

Katara comes down the stairs.

"Let me see your arms." I cross my arms.

She rolls up her sleeves. Bare.

I nod. "Legs."

She rolls her sleeves back down, then she rolls up her pant legs. Bare.

"Good girl."


I'm gonna cut this one short.


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