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I wake up to yelling. I sigh, sitting up. I dress in a black tank with lace lining it, jean shorts and Niké sneakers. I trudge up the stairs and follow the sound of voices.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU-" I stop when I see drunken Calum trying to kiss Celestica and Kendall screaming at him. I met her earlier that week and we instantly became friends.

"C-Calum... how- how could you?!" Tears started pouring down my cheeks.

He rolled his eyes. "Did you really think I could ever love you?!"

I nod. "Y-You said you d-did."

He laughs. "Someone like me could never love someone like you! But you can't do anything, you need me!" He smirks.


His face softens, suddenly looking sober. "Kat I-"

"Kat, get out of here and take Celestica. I got him" Kendall looks at me, sadness evinent in his eyes.

Celestica grabs my arm and pulls me out into the yard. "Kat I-I didn't-"

I cut her off by hugging her. "It's okay CC." She likes me calling her CC.

I feel her nod and we break the embrace. "Let's go CC."


I shrug. "Anywhere but here."

She nods and I get in my car. She gets in next to me.

We drive around town. Boys look at at and whistle.

CC leans over and whispers to me, "You don't need Calum."

I nod and tighten my grip on the wheel. "I don't need any guy."

"HELL NO YOU DON'T!" She screams into the wind, sounding like she's drunk. She hangs out of the car, making a rock-n-roll symbol with her hands.

I laugh. "Get in the car before I get pulled over."

She groans and sits down. "Let's go get wasted!"

I sigh remembering when Cal and I used to hang out and get wasted. We got wasted at the beach and slept there. At his hotel and I stayed for the night. We even did at my house when my brother went away. I shake the unwanted thoughts away. No I'm not a druggie.

"Sure. But no random hook-ups!"

She giggles. "Deal!"


I'm gonna stop here and do Calum's POV in the next chapter.

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