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"Well, what happened?" Luke looked at me anxiously.

I roll my eyes. "She gave me her number but-"

I was cut off by them slapping my back and giving each other high-fives. "But!" I cut them off, they all stare at me. "Nothing will happen. Her brother-" I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"Who's her brother." Ashton shushes Michael and Luke.

"Kendall Schmidt." My eyes fall to my shoes. They all look at each other, leaving me to my thoughts.

She was beautiful. She has waist-length, slightly wavy, brown hair. Her eyes were as blue as Kendall's, but there was a slight sparkle in them. She has a great body and a sweet car. She's a little bit punk-rock. I would really like to at least kiss her. Then maybe-

"Calum do you like this girl?" Michael's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I shrug. "She's really hot and nice and-" I meet their eyes. They're all smirking. "What?"

"I think Calum likes a certain someone." Luke smirked.

I roll my eyes. "So what? Nothing will ever happen between us."

"So what? Just be friends with her for awhile. She'll fall for you. And BAM big bro supports her and........ do I hear wedding bells?" Michael starts humming the wedding song. Luke joins in then Ashton.

"Alright time to go boys." Our gaurd inturrups them. We all tumble into the car, laughing.

"What time is it." I put my hands behind my head.

The driver looks at me. "3:25 Mr. Hood."

I nod and sigh.

"Why?" Michael looks at me.

"N-no reason." They all shrug and start messing around. Basically being complete idiots.

My mind wanders back to the girl. Katara that's what she said her name was. I look down at the napkin in my hand. I smile. I hope I'll see her again.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now