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Well, today's the day, my wedding........... well the preporations anyway. I'm currently looking through dresses. Some are black, some white, some light pink, some baby blue etc.

"Why not this one?" My mom holds up a mermaid dress.

I scrunch up my nose. "Too tight."

"What are you looking for ma'am?" The, obviously gay, guy walks up.

"A ball gown wedding dress that have lace sleeves." I've been dreaming of this day since I was a kid.

"Ah. And, uh, what color?"

I shrug. "Either black or white."

He nods. He hands me a dress. "Go put this on, it will compliment your tan and your figure.

I just nod and go get dressed.


I come back out and stand on the little stadge.

"Oh!" My mom covers her mouth with her hands then puts them over her chest. "My baby girl."

"I really like it!" I smile.

It's a floor-length, white, ball gown style dress with lace sleeves and lace on the bottomhalf. It has a sweetheart neckline and a belt.

"Any accessories ma'am?" The man pulls me out of my trance.

I nod. "A shoulder-length lace veil and lace gloves?"

He smiles. "Perfect. I'll go fetch them." He leaves.

"Oh baby, you look beautiful!" My mom gushes.

I smile. "Thanks mom."

"I can't wait to sing at your guys's wedding!" Blake smiles.

"I'll throw the bachelorette party!" Nicole exclaims.

I laugh as the guy comes back. "Here you go ma'am."

"Oh, you can call me Katara or Kat.."

He smiles. "Then you can call me Tim."

I smile back and he hands me the gloves. I put them on as he adjusts the veil on my head.

The gloves are lace and gems that wrap around my middle finger and they go a little bit passed my wrist.

The gloves are lace and gems that wrap around my middle finger and they go a little bit passed my wrist

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The veil is shoulder-length. It has flowers lining it at the bottom and a little string of flowers in the middle.

 It has flowers lining it at the bottom and a little string of flowers in the middle

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"You look beautiful Katara!" My dad smiles at me.

"Thanks dad." I smile, touching my key charm bracelet and then my guitar necklace. Two things that Calum has given me before the kids. God, I love him so much! He makes me feel like I'm on top of the world.

"If that boy hurts you-"

My mom cuts him off. "Oh Kent, Calum loves our daughter. Don't get her all shook up."

"Kathy, if he hurts her, me and Kendall will beat him."

(A/N those are their actual names! I didn't plan on all K's. Oops! Lol 😂)

"Dad!" I turn and face him, crossing my arms.

"Katara, I just want to protect you. I couldn't do that when you were in LA with that Lucca boy."

I stiffen at his name. I turn back to the mirror and wipe my eyes.

My mom slaps my dad's arm. "Kent!"

"What? I have a good reason...."

I tune them out after that. I just wanna focus on my wedding.... Lucca was my first boyfriend, after Carlos, and he really hurt me. It was completely Liana's fault! Carlos and I had this on again off again relationship. I started dating Lucca after the third 'off.'

"Katara?" Tim's voice pulls me out of my head.

"Hmmm?" I hum, turning to him.

"This what you want?" He gestures to my attire.

I nod. "Yes. It's perfect, Tim, thank you!"

He smiles. "It's no problem Miss. You get that off and I'll have Marianna ring it up for you."

"Thanks Tim." I smile back.

He helps me down and I go to the dressing room.


Marianna rings my dress, veil, and gloves up. "$3,450"

My dad pays and we go out for dinner.


Picking out a tux is tiring! I can't imagine what Kat has to go through.

"Well, sir, what color tux?" The blonde woman asks, taking my measurements.

"There are different colors?!" Luke's eyes widen. I roll my eyes. Such an idiot.

The girl laughs. "Yes, there are different colors. Black, blue, yellow, green, basically any color."

His eyes are like saucers now. Ash elbows him.

I'm with James, Logan, Kendall, Luke, Michael and Ashton. Carlos and his wife are still out of town. I know it kills Kat but we'll probably have to do this wedding without them.

"So what colors?" The girl pulls me out of my thoughts.


She nods and leaves.

"Damn! She is hot!" Luke says, after she's out of earshot.

I just laugh and shake my head.

The girl comes back and gets me fitted. She stands back.

"Does it look nice?" I ask her.

She smiles. "Your fiancé is one lucky girl Mr. Hood."

Just then, the tv blares wih 'breaking news.' A picture of Kat pops up.

I immediately panic. "Turn it up please!"

The guy at the counter turns it up.

"...... Miss Katara Schmidt, younger sister of Kendall Schmidt from BTR...." A picture of Kendall pops up. "was seen yesterday laughing at her fiancé, Calum Hood when he was in pain." The picture of me 'crying' and Kat laughing pops up. "So, the question on everyone's mind, is Katara the best choice for Calum? Should this wedding go on? More on this later. Now to the weather..." The guy turns off the tv.

"Sir?" The girl looks at me.

"I was fake crying to make her laugh!" I snap.

"Um, I was just gonna say, we're closing soon and you'll need to pay...."

"Oh, sorry." I run a hand through my hair.

"Don't worry about it." She smiles warmly.

I get dressed in my normal clothes and get my tux. The others will get there's later.

We walk home. The girls drove with Kat's dad. He kept staring me down, like I was the enemy. Oh well, I got Kendall to come around, I'm sure I can get him too. I mean, come on, who dosn't love me?

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now