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Previously on 'I Love My Brother's Enemy':


I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Go away."

Someone lays behind me and wraps their arms around me.


I turn over and kiss him.

I pull away, put my head on his chest, and wrap my arms around his torso.

"I'm so glad your here."

"Me too."

I quickly pull away. "Tae-Taeyung?!"

He smiles. "Hey."

"Oh god." I sit up.

He sits up.

"K-Kat?!" A deep, Australian, voice says.

I immediately stand up. "Calum!" I see a girl behind him. "And Liana?!"


Well shit. Ummmmmmm. So she does cheat. That's nice.

Kat glares at Liana.

I step in front of Liana with my arms out. "Enough! Kat explain why you're with that!"

She rolls her eyes. "Well-"

Taehyung cuts her off. "She thought I was you when I laid next to her so she kissed me. She thought you actually cared about her. Stupid, right?"

Liana has to hold me back.

"What about you? Why are you with that?!" Kat looks at me.

I explain that I was going to confront her but then I saw her dad hit her and blah blah blah.

She sits down, her breath heavy.

"Kat? Are you okay?"

"Yea-Yeah. Just, uh, a little light-headed."

"The stress isn't good for you or the babies." I look at her, feeling guilty.

Taehyung nods and takes Liana upstairs, leaving me and Kat to talk.

I sit next to her.

Suprisingly, she outstreaches her arms for a hug.

I take her in my arms and just hold her.

About 30 minutes later

Kat's laptop beeps. She shrugs away from me and grabs it, laying down on our, well actually her, bed.

She sighs and tears welled in her eyes.

"What?" I lay next to her.

She hands me her laptop.

It's a picture of me and Liana putting her stuff in my car.

I close the laptop and pull Kat to me. She wraps her arms around my neck and cries.

I hold her, getting madder by the second.

Fuck the world. Just let me be with Kat.


Hey guys, sorry this is so short but I wanted to update for ya'll.


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Hugs and kisses.


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