An Encounter~ Gratsu

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A/N: Hi guys! I'm back!💕

By the way, this is an AU! Enjoy!

Gray's pov❄️

"Ugh, what the f**k!?" I turned around to look for the person who bumped into me and nearly pushed me over the railing. Hey! I mean, who runs on a bridge anyways?! Don't they know how dangerous that is!? Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see him or her because they already disappeared into the crowd. Probably a she since the last thing I saw was pink hair or something. Doesn't matter to me since I'm gay anyways...

I continued walking to my school, which is called Fairy Tail. It is like legitimately the most awesome school in the world. Our school rivals are Sabertooth, Tartaros, and the Alvarez. We four are known as the kingdoms in the entire world because of our prestigious learning, advanced technology, basically anything that you can never find in other schools or places to be exact.

And I, a lucky idiot, just happens to be attending one of them. I come from a very rich family so we were able to afford going to one these schools. My older brother, Lyon, just happens to go to a school that is also famous, but not as the four. In fact, his school, Lamia Scale, just happens to be a sister school of ours. The reason he didn't want to attend the same school as mine is because he didn't want to burden our parents, but they insisted on him going to at least an incredibly advanced school.

Same goes for me and my older sister, Ultear. Yeah, that's right, I'm the youngest in the family. My sister goes to another famous school that also seems to be like an ally to Fairy Tail. I believe it is called Crime Sorcere. The only problem I have with this school is that not only is it an ally to Fairy Tail, but also to the other three, well, mostly Sabertooth.

Tartaros and Alvarez are not exactly the most outgoing school there is. In fact, they are like a complete mystery to the world except for the council because each year, they send a representative from their school to the meetings where only the principals and presidents of the school are allowed. No one has ever even seen their faces before. It is said that even in the meetings, they wear masks or clothing that covers up their identities for some unknown reason.

Creepy huh?

Well, I better get going or else I'm going to be late. Don't want a tardy going on my permanent record. Fairy Tail is actually a strict school even though we're pretty rowdy and well, not exactly classy much even though our building's beautiful.

---------(time skip~)------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The final bell has rung which means that it is the end of the day. Our principle, Mr. Makarov, said that we would have an assembly at the end of class since it was a very important event to attend. However, this time, gramps seemed more anxious than usual. I just brushed it off and continued talking to my best friend, Loki Celeste.

He is a complete womanizer, and ironically, he's actually bi. He barely pays attention to the males but when his eye catches something good, he will go after it no matter what gender. He even tried to hit on me once but I said he's not my type and sooner or later, we actually became best friends. He also has an older twin brother named Leo, but he doesn't really want to talk about him much. He said it was something about a sibling rivalry between all 12 of them, excluding Loki. Yeah, you heard me right, he has 12 siblings.

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