Let Me Save Your Heart~ Gratsu

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I had this AU in my mind for quite some time now. Basically it's about the dragon slayers mating season where when your mate leaves you, you suffer from an actual heart break. Enjoy?

Warning: Natsu has a near death experience and this one shot is kinda cheesy.

Gray's Pov❄

It all started back from three years ago. When we were still happy. When we were still....mates.

...when we had our first fight...


"Oi flame brain!" I yelled across from the guild hall. I heard some people snickering because they probably knew what I was irritated about.

"What is it, ice princess~?" The pink headed pyro teased as he swayed his hips while walking towards me. I tried my hardest not to blush at the fact that his neck and collarbones were showing while one side of his shirt was exposing his entire right shoulder.

My shirt. He was wearing my shirt. Teasing me in front of the entire guild. I never felt such a need to be so possessive and claim this adorable idiot as my own again.

But I relaxed and stayed calm. I let out a huge sigh and held out my hand front of him.

"Give me back my shirt." I stated. He made an adorable pout as he bunched up a handful into his chest while letting out a childish "No."

I started getting even more irritated at the fact that my lover refused to stop teasing me and that my pants was starting to feel a bit confining.

"That's it." I ran up to him before he could escape and threw him over my shoulder.

"Yeah! Get some, Gray!!" Cana yelled as some people were starting to cheer.

I smirked as Natsu squeaked in embarrassment before I exited the doors with a confident aura.

"G-Gray!! Put me down!! IDIOT!" He struggled in my grasp but I wouldn't let him escape me.

Once we were back at our shared house, I decided to have some fun with my little dragon and it ended to the point where he got marked, claimed, and dominated by me in every way.

However, the problem didn't start until after our little love making.

When I woke up the next morning, I woke up alone. My mate was nowhere in the house and I couldn't sense him anywhere in the distance.

I got dressed and ran out of the house, looking for him all over town. I spent hours calling out to him but he never answered. I asked everyone if they've seen him but no one saw him since yesterday.

I panicked and went to the last place that I've never checked. The forest.

Once I arrived somewhere in the forest, I saw a sight I never expected to see from my loyal mate.

A black haired man who is a few centimeters taller kissing him on the forehead while caressing his face. Natsu had a soft smile and embraced him lovingly like the way he would do to me.

I felt betrayed and ran away from the scene before any of them could sense me. When I arrived home, I felt angry.

Angry at the fact that the person who I thought was loyal, caring, my one and only love, was cheating on me!

I could not even believe Natsu! I knew he would go through such lengths to pull pranks on me or tease me, but this has gone too far!!!

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