Clinginess~ Gratsu

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Gray's Guide on How to Get Your Lover to Hug You❣

#1. Take Advantage of the Height Difference

"Gray! Give me back my scarf!" Natsu whined as he tried reaching for his precious scarf. Gray snickered as he stretched his arm even higher.

Natsu tried jumping in hopes to even get a touch on the familiar soft fabric. So far, no avail...

He tried putting his other arm on Gray's shoulder to try getting him down. Didn't work...

Natsu's last resort was trying to climb Gray. He wrapped his right leg over Gray's calf and hoisted himself up. He did the same with the other leg and cried in victory when he managed to snag his scarf back.

However, his moments of glory were interrupted when he squealed as Gray wrapped both of his arms around his waist.

"You're too cute, you little fire ball." Gray said as he brought Natsu down for a kiss. Natsu blushed and wrapped his scarf around the both of their necks.

"Shut up, snowflake..." Natsu whispered before wrapping his arms around Gray's shoulders.

#2. Watch a Scary Movie (or an emotional one if your up for it)

"No, no! Don't go into the basement! Don't go into the---EEEEP!!!" Natsu buries his face into Gray's chest as Gray wraps his arms around Natsu's smaller body.

"Natsu, it's just a movie." Gray reassured as he ran his fingers through his pink hair. Natsu looked up at Gray with teary eyes and a blushing face.

"Gray, hold me..." Gray didn't need to be asked twice.

#3. Cook Behind their Back

Gray was flipping pancakes in just only an apron and some pants, showing his muscular build.

He was about to set up the plates until he felt slim arms wrap around his abdomen as well as a chin resting on his upper back.

"Well good morning to you too. Hungry?" Gray asks and on cue, Natsu's stomach grumbles.

"I smell food. I want food Gway~!" Natsu mumbles as his grip on Gray's upper body tightens.

"Yeah, yeah. Coming right up." Gray grumbles. Natsu let go of his boyfriend, but took a hold of his chin and gave him a good morning kiss on the lips before turning to the table.

Gray ends up blushing with a smirk for the rest of the morning.

#4. Let Them Wear Your Clothes

"Natsu? Natsu, what are you doing?" Gray asks. He hears his boyfriend's squeals coming from the bathroom.

The door finally opens, only to reveal the most beautiful sight Gray has ever seen.

Natsu wearing his shirt. It was very big that one side was slipping off of his shoulders and it was long enough to reach up to his thighs.

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