Random #4

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I imagined an angsty scenario and cried, enjoy my pain...

"GRAY!!!" Natsu yells as he reached for his mate. The weapon struck the ice mage's heart as he tried reaching back.

"N-Natsu..." The last thing he saw was Natsu's tears.


Few years later, Gray woke up with no memories. Natsu cried every night knowing his love would never recognize him. Everyday, he would constantly try to help Gray remember. And everyday, he would avoid him. The both of them were still recovering from the injures. Gray, physical, Natsu, mental.

"Gray, please remember..." Natsu whimpered as he stroke his former lover's cheek. Gray slapped the hand away in disgust.

"How many times do I have to tell you?! I don't know you and I'll never love you!!" He then punched the shorter one's face, leaving him with a broken heart.


"Gray! The guild found a way to help you jog your memories!" The young sky dragon slayer said. Gray smiled and followed the girl.

He was introduced to the guild master who was holding a sort of liquid and a spell book.

"Drink this my child and you will finally remember your past again." Makarov said. Gray nodded and took the potion.


Gray was in his bed, alone and sobbing. He remembered everything from the moment his parents died to the time he broke Natsu's heart.

He dried up his tears and looked ahead with a clear goal. He was going to apologize and win him back. He may have lost his previous family, but there's no way he would lose the best thing that has ever happened to him.


"Natsu!!" A desperate cry escaped his lips. He was so close, so very close.

His love was in the face of Zeref, standing with the resolve to protect everyone. Gray couldn't bare the thought of having to lose his lover a second time. His bloody and battered body continued to run forward no matter how much pain he was experiencing.

Natsu turned his head in shock to see his mate shout his name. Tears were already forming in his eyes.

'He remembers me.'

Gray was almost halfway through the battle field as Natsu was in smiling. However, the moment of happiness was ruined as Natsu felt something go straight through his chest.

He turned slowly to find Zeref just centimeters away from his face, with a bloodied hand holding the book of E.N.D. that was slowly withering away.

He looked down and also saw a gaping hole in where his heart was suppose to be.

Gray's world stopped as he saw his lover get pierced through his heart. He almost froze completely until he heard Zeref utter his last few words.

"I'm sorry, little brother..."

With rage consuming his thoughts, he subcomed to darkness and let the devil take his place.

He froze the dark mage and everything that surrounded them. He shattered all that was ice. All he could think about was killing the person who hurt his mate.

Everything soon turned to destruction. Zeref was surprised to see that there was another capable of killing his immortality. He soon shut his eyes with a smile.

Gray found his consciousness once again and slowly crawled towards Natsu. He picked up his mate's deceased body and laid his head onto his chest.

He let out all his tears as he yelled in despair. His mind was no longer with him. He was beyond insane.

"I'm sorry!! Natsu!!!" He yelled out in hysterics, believing that his love would come back with simple words.

Soon, the land started to freeze and a wall of ice surrounded the two. He looked down to see Natsu's pale face and leaned to kiss his lips. The pillar activated as Gray's body started to fade away.

'Natsu, I love you.'

All he could think about was spending his last few moments with his love before having to join with Natsu.


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