Skittles~ Gratsu

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Third Person's Pov

"Ok Happy, I got the skittles, can we do the prank now?!" Natsu asked ecstatically. Natsu and Gajeel have been in a prank war for years since their childhood and no one knew about it, not even their friends did until their exceeds, Happy and Pantherlily, found out when they accidentally stumbled upon a video of their most funniest pranks.

They thought it looked fun and wanted to join in. Ever since then, it was a major war between the two dragon slayers and their exceeds. They would always come up with embarrassing or hilarious pranks and record every single moment, wether it was a fail or a success.

Happy and Natsu came up with a prank that involved Gajeel's sexuality and wanted to embarrass him in front of a lot of people. They planned to do it at the festival their guild is hosting and even invited other guilds to watch. It was then on they decided to reveal their prank war to the others so they can have more players since it was starting to get a bit boring with just the four of them.

"Aye sir! We are ready to fire!" Happy exclaimed as he was finished attaching the lacrima to his back and started to carry Natsu to the festival. In the sky, they saw so many people down and tried to spot Gajeel.

Once they saw the spiky, black haired dragon slayer in the middle of the crowd with Pantherlily, talking to Levy, Jet, and Droy, Happy began to swoop down as fast as he can with his max speed and Natsu gripped the bucket full of skittles.

"Oi iron head!!!" He yelled as loud as he could, which caught the attention of the whole crowd. Gajeel and Pantherlily looked up and started to panic because they were unguarded and in public.

"TASTE THE RAINBOW, YOU ASS!!!" Natsu shouted and spilled the entire bucket of skittles onto Gajeel. Gajeel put his arms up to block the unknown objects from hitting his mouth since he didn't know what salamander could've put in the candy. When the skittles finally stopped, he spit the sugar out of his mouth and glared at the salmon haired boy. So did the exceed to Happy because he also caught a fair share of the candy as well.

Natsu was full out laughing along with others who have just witnessed the hilarious prank and the reaction on Gajeel's face. Gajeel was literally as red as fire, fuming and now wanting to kill the salamander for spilling the colorful sweets on him, especially right in front of his crush.

"What. The. F**k Salamander?!?! What the hell was that for?!?!" He yelled, enraged. Natsu wiped a tear from his eye as he tried to look at the iron dragon, only to laugh even harder at his ridiculous appearance. He and Happy then took a deep breath and cupped their hands around their mouth, yelling...

"You caught the rainbow, so you're GAY!!!"

That statement made the people lose it and the whole festival was filled with laughter and tears.

"I caught the rainbow so I'm...--! OH!" Gajeel realized and face palmed. He blushed with fury and embarrassment. The people laughed even harder.

"Oh, that's it! You're gonna get it Salamander!! Come on Pantherlily!!" Gajeel said as he and Pantherlily flew up to the dynamic duo to start an air battle. They fought until a certain titanized guild master went up and grabbed the two dragons before they destroy anything important.

"Ok, what is going on here?!" Makarov said in his Titan voice which made multiple people cover their ears. He shrunk back to his normal height, not before putting the two rivals down. Gajeel only looked away, feeling infuriated while Natsu was still laughing with a bruised arm.

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