Hidden Voice~ Gratsu

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Third person's pov

"Waaaaahh!!!" A loud crying sound resonated through everywhere in the guild. It was one of those times when the youngest little member of Fairy Tail, Asuka, didn't get her daily nap.

"Shh, it's alright Asuka! Ugghh, when is Alzack and Bisca gonna be back from their mission? Asuka won't stop crying!" Lucy exclaimed as she rock Asuka back and forth, trying to get her to calm down.

The guild was annoyed by the crying, but the problem is, none of them knew how to take care of a baby much. Makarov also tried helping calm Asuka down, but it only made it worse.

"Oh, I got an idea, where's Mira-nee?" Lisanna said as she looked for her older sister at the bar.

"Yes Lisanna?" Mira said, still cleaning glass cups and doesn't seem to be affected with all the crying. This caused the ones who were suffering to sweat drop.

"Mira-nee, can you possibly sing Asuka a lullaby? I just remembered that Bisca-san said Asuka loves music. It helps calm her down." Lisanna asked.

'Why didn't we think of that sooner?!?!' The whole guild thought as they had a ridiculous look on their face.

"Oh, sorry Lisanna. You see, my throat kinda hurts today and I can barely talk right now. I don't think I can sing." She replied with a scratchy voice. This made everyone's hope vanish.

"Gomen minna." She continued.

"It's alright Mirajane. We will find another way to calm Asuka down. For now, just rest your voice and drink some tea with honey." Ezra said with a caring smile. Some of the guild members nodded along with her, but the family mood was soon ruined as Asuka's cries got louder.

"Ugh, I can't stay here any more! My ears are literally on the verge of bleeding! Come on Pantherlily, we're leaving!" Gajeel said as he stomped out of the guild with his exceed right behind.

"Me too. I'm sorry guys, but since I'm a dragon slayer, my ears are much more sensitive than everyone else's. Come on Carla, sorry we didn't get to help much." Wendy said with a little bow and walked out the guild with a distressed cat covering their ears.

Soon after, everyone else started to leave, but not before apologizing, and the only ones left in the guild was a sleeping Natsu, a tired Happy, an annoyed Romeo, and a still crying Asuka.

"Natsu-nii, wake up." Romeo said as he shook Natsu's shoulder, wondering how he was able to sleep through all this. Natsu slowly opened his eyes and sat up with a yawn.

"Eh? Romeo? Where is everyone and why is Asuka still crying?" Natsu said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Everyone decided to leave Asuka to us since they thought we could take care of her as babysitters since you seemed to have a good relationship with her. Sorry I let them dump all the responsibility onto your hands Natsu-nii." Romeo said as he looked down. Natsu only smiled and ruffled Romeo's hair.

"Hey, it's alright. I just so happen to know how to calm Asuka down. Works every time." Natsu said with confidence that came out of nowhere.

"Oooh, Natsu! Are you gonna sing again?! It's been a long time since I've heard your voice!" Happy said as he carried Asuka to Natsu's arms. Romeo was confused.

"Eh? Sing? Natsu-nii, you sing?" He asked. Natsu slightly blushed with embarrassment.

"Hehe, yeah. Well, rarely. Believe it or not, I don't really like singing in front of people. I have a 'little' stage fright when I comes to that." Natsu replied. Romeo was shocked. The Natsu 'Salamander' Dragneel, the most powerful, shameless, and out-going Mage of all time, has stage fright?

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