Under The Table~ Gratsu

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This is a request from Jammerblue08716, and since she wanted smut, (bruh <_<) I decided to write one

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This is a request from Jammerblue08716, and since she wanted smut, (bruh <_<) I decided to write one. Enjoy!


Third person's pov

"Where are those two idiots now?! We're going to be late to the Guild Convention!" A red headed swords woman said as she angrily taps on the table while sitting.

"Honestly, and they were the ones that invited us to come with them. They even entrusted us with the tickets..." A blonde haired girl said as her golden keys jingled on her hips as she paced back and forth.

"Minna, do you think Natsu and Gray are even coming? They wouldn't just leave their tickets and tell us the time if they are planning on coming along." A little girl asked as she hugged her cat.

"If that is the case, then we might as well notify them that we are leaving." Erza said as she whipped out her phone and pressed one of the boys' contact numbers.

"H-Hello?..." A soft voice said on the other side of the line. Erza pulled the phone away from her ear to view the contact.

It was Natsu.

"Natsu? Are you okay?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah, just dealing with s-something that's a bit of a pain in the a**..." He replied.

"Well, Lucy, Wendy, and I are planning on leaving already. I am just asking if you guys are still going to come."

"O-Oh! N-No, it's okay! Y-You can go on w-with, haaah, out us..." He said. Erza was slightly curious on what he was doing because of that little moan in the middle of his sentence but decided to ignore it.

"Okay, since you guys are not coming, I guess we can buy you a souvenir of that fire gem you're so interested in. Goodbye Natsu."

"S-See ya. H-Have fun~!" And with that, they ended the call.

"Well, it seems that the boys are not coming since Natsu is busy with something and Gray may be with him." Erza said.

"Then let's go! We're gonna be late!" Wendy said as she dragged the two fellow mages with her.

"S-Slow down Wendy!" Lucy exclaimed, only to be ignored.

Meanwhile, the two men were busy fighting with their tongues for dominance. They decided to have it rough and even fought just to see who would be the first to deliver a moan.

It was the one battle Natsu lost but he still wouldn't give up without a fight.

"Mmmmph~! Y-You a**hole~! You couldn't wait u-until the team left with E-Erza~!" Natsu let out as the raven haired man attacked his lover's neck.

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