Christmas Special!

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"Hmm, what kind of gift would he like..." Natsu asked himself as he walked down the streets.

He was trying to find a present for his mate, Gray Fullbuster, but so far, he's had no luck.

He stayed out all day until it was finally night time. Once the moon was at its peak and Christmas Eve was coming to an end, Natsu let out a frustrated scream.

"WHY IS IT SO HARD?! I'M HIS MATE, I SHOULD KNOW HIM!!!" Natsu yelled. He slumped down on a nearby tree and sighed.

He looked down on his palms and saw a water drop onto his hand. He gritted his teeth wiped all his unnecessary tears away.

"Kuso, why am I crying over this? I-It's just a g-gift..." Natsu whimpered. He looked up and began to reminisce.

"Natsu! Where the hell are you going?!" Gray yelled. Natsu turned back in confusion.

"Home, why?" His reply was being greeted by an ice cold punch.

"Oi!! What was that for?!" Natsu yelled in anger. Gray growled and took a hold of his vest.

"So you'd rather go home than spend time with our family?..." Gray then threw Natsu into the snow.

"Some mate you are..." He spat, which caused pain in Natsu's heart. He tried to reach out to him, only to have a small box thrown at his face.

"Merry Christmas, a**hole..." Gray then stomped away back to the guild. Natsu just sat there in shock as he tried to process what just happened.

Natsu looked down at the little box in confusion and hurt.


It was then after that he decided to learn more about the particular day, only to find out in regret that it was a day where you spend time together with your family and the ones you loved.

And every year, he had skipped it.

He had skipped it because he didn't know what it was. That explained why every year, he would see people giving out presents, people spending times with their families more than usual, or why some guild members would take leave for a few weeks to go visit somewhere.

Natsu started to cry more. He had been an idiot ever since he joined Fairy Tail. Not once did he ever spent time with them on this "Christmas" day and even worse, with his own mate.

"Come on Natsu! Get it together! You cannot give up!" Natsu motivated himself to get up and continue searching.

After some cold hours later, he was shivering like hell and his attempts on searching were already futile. All stores have been closed for a long time and Natsu knew he wouldn't last in this snow fall.

As he was about to walk back home, he came across an ice rink. There he saw a couple kissing under a little plant hanging from a small branch. He gazed at it in awe as he saw the couple exiting with smiles on their faces.

"What is that?" He whispered. Using all the energy he has left, he ran towards the tree and looked at the little flower hanging over him.

He carefully reached up and picked the small plant from the lonely branch before looking at it in curiosity.

"Those people, they looked...happy." Natsu concluded. He carefully wrapped the plant between his hands before shivering as a cold breeze swept by.

He sensed a snow storm coming and ran towards the nearest place he could find. The Fairy Tail guild.

He quickly opened the doors and locked it before any of the snow could come in. He sighed and took a moment to catch his breath. Once he opened his eyes, he was greeted with a beautiful sight.

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