Grand Finale❣❣❣

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Hello everyone! I have decided to put this story to an end so here is the very last one shot I will be doing. Thank you all so much for reading, commenting, voting, requesting, and everything else! Enjoy and I hope to see more Gratsu fans later in the years! Until then❣❣❣

The hall was rowdy. Everyone filled in the pristine white seats as they talked amongst themselves. Up on the stage stood Gray Fullbuster looking the best he's ever had in his lifetime. He wore a black suit (that surprisingly stayed on) with his hair slicked back and wore shiny, black leather shoes.

Although standing in all his handsome glory, he was internally having a panic attack. It was only one minute until the grand doors would open to reveal the one person who he'd spend the rest of his life with.

Soon, the pianist started playing the music and everyone silenced as they turned around. The entrance opened up and behind the doors was a young man in a white suit.

Gray silently gasped in awe. Beside the "bride" was an old man in a wheel chair holding his hand. It was Master Makarov. Their father figure who raised them since they were all little brats.

He turned his attention back to his love. His "bride" looked extraordinarily beautiful. His pink hair down, ending at the top of his shoulders while his bangs cupped the sides of his face. His face decorated with light make up to make his features even more gorgeous. His white suit that looked practicality new and untouched, emphasizing the man's angelic appearance. His smile couldn't even compare to the bright chandelier that hung above their heads. In his hand was a red bouquet of roses that contrasted the white suit.

His mate was beautiful.

Natsu was beautiful.

The white suited groom took his first step forward and Gray felt everything around him disappear. He could only focus on the fire dragon slayer's face as he saw the smile brighten even more. He could tell by the way Natsu was gripping the bouquet that he was nervous. But both of them couldn't care less, they were happy.

Natsu reached the steps and Makarov took the flowers from him to hand it off to the main bridesmaid, Lucy. He then held Gray's own hand and joined the engaged pair's before wheeling back next to the first row of seats.

Gray planted a quick kiss on the back of his lover's hand before leading him up the steps.

The minister soon began to say the reading as the music died down. Through the entire speech, Gray couldn't help but focus on just Natsu. Natsu was currently holding back tears as he gripped the larger man's hands tighter. Gray reassured him by rubbing his palms.

Vows were soon said and it now came down to the promises.

"Do you, Gray Fullbuster, take Natsu Dragneel as your loving husband, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do." He said lovingly. Soft awes can be heard from the crowd.

"And do you, Natsu Dragneel, take Gray Fullbuster as your loving husband, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

The crowd waited anxiously for Natsu's reply and Gray could feel his legs trembling. Natsu then opened his pretty pink lips.

"...Well not really." Shocked gasps resonated throughout the room and Gray felt his heart slightly crack.

Then, Natsu smiled as tears fell down his cheeks. Gray froze, why was he crying?

"I don't want us to part even after death." He whimpered. He let go of one of Gray's hands to wipe the remaining tears off of his blushing cheeks. Gray's heart beated out of his chest and he pulled his crying mate towards his chest.

Everyone else in the audience were holding up tissues to their face as they smiled happily for the couple. The minister smiled.

"Well, then please let me restart." He said. The two turned to the minister questioningly.

The minister threw back the book and grabbed ahold of the engaged couples hands.

"Do you, Gray Fullbuster, take Natsu Dragneel as your eternal mate, to have and to hold, to love and to forgive, as nothing shall ever come between you?"

"I Do." He said twice as more emotionally. He then turned to the pink haired mage.

"And do you, Natsu Dragneel, take Gray Fullbuster as your eternal mate, to have and to hold, to love and to forgive, as nothing shall ever come between you?"

Natsu grinned.

"Now that's more like it! I DO!"

The audience laughed as the minister released a few chuckles himself.

"Well, then I now pronounce you as eternal mates. You may kiss the dragon." Gray did not waste a single second.

He dipped his pink haired dragon slayer and gave him the most passionate kiss in the entire universe. Natsu held on to his new husband as he felt overwhelmed with love.

"LET'S PARTY!!!!" The guilds screamed.

Natsu and Gray laughed as they held each other close and kissed once again. The start of many others to come.


"Fuyu!! Get over here!! No, Haru!! Put that down!! Uuugh!!! GRAAAAAY!!!" Natsu yelled.

Soon, a disheveled Gray walked into the room. He yawned before looking at his mate.

"Yes?" Natsu glared and Gray stiffened.

"Yes? YES? WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?!" He yelled. Gray sweated as he slowly backed away from the fuming dragon.

"Uh, s-sleeping?" He stuttered. Natsu roared with fire coming out of his mouth. The two kids ran behind their father's ice wall before the fire reached them.

"Natsu! Calm down! The stress is not good for the baby!" Gray yelled. At the mention of their third child, Natsu immediately calmed down and started to cry.

"I-I almost hurt t-the b-baby?" He sobbed. Gray quickly ran up to his spouse and gently rubbed his back.

"No, no of course not. The baby's fine, everyone is fine." He whispered. Natsu's crying died down and he soon fell asleep in his lover's arms. Gray smiled and picked Natsu up bridle style.

"Kids, I'm going to take mommy to our room okay?" The two kids nodded.

"Can we come with?" Fuyu asked. Gray nodded and the two trailed behind him as they went upstairs.

Once Gray set his lover down, the kids crawled into the bed and cuddled into Natsu's sides. Gray then laid onto the bed, wrapping his arms around Natsu's big, round belly. He smiled lovingly before joining the rest of his family.

The End❣

The End❣

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