Let Me Be Your Guide~ Gratsu

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Requested by @the_anonymous_27!!

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Requested by @the_anonymous_27!!

Um, I don't really know much about prosthetics so I'm going to ask you guys if you can help me along the way. If there is anything wrong, please tell me so that I wouldn't offend anyone. Just sayin.

"Oi, salamander! There's a job request meant for you and snowman over here." Gajeel said. Natsu nodded in response and carefully walked over. Gray followed and raised an eyebrow at the way Natsu walked.

It wasn't unusual to see Natsu walking slightly stiffly but Gray could never understand what made him learn it like that in the first place. As the two both arrived at the Request Board, they saw that there was a flyer specifically meant for a fire and ice mage.

"Taking down some monsters terrorizing a city? Seems pretty simple for a big reward, don't you think?" Gray said to Natsu. Natsu shrugged in response and went to take the paper.

Natsu walks to the bar and shows the request to Mira. He took out his notepad and wrote down, "Gray and I are taking this mission."

"Oh! Okay Natsu, please wait a moment." She replied. Natsu nodded and proceeded to sit down. He slightly grimanced at the cold metal touching his warm skin when he adjusted the limb to be a bit more loose.

Just when he was about finished, Gray sat down next to him. He quickly let go and sat like a normal person.

"So, how have you been?" Gray asked. Natsu shrugged and decided to read the details of the job request. Gray leaned in closer to read as well and Natsu flinched as Gray accidentally nudged his limb out of place.

He coughed into his hand as a sign for Gray to give him some space and Gray backed away with an apology. Natsu waved his hand in reassurance and turned his chair so he could properly adjust his limb back in place.

"You okay, flame brain?" Gray asked. Natsu hastily nodded and quickly tightened the strap around his thigh. He made sure no one could see what he was doing by covering his leg with his black waistcoat.

He then turned around and faced Gray like nothing happened with a smile. Gray stared at him suspiciously before Mira came back to stamp the request.

"Okay boys, you're all good to go." Mira said. Natsu nodded and hastily stood up. He ran down the bar side, failing to notice the small ledge up ahead.

"Ah! Natsu! Watch out!" Happy said. He tried to swoop in and catch him, but Natsu had already slipped and fallen. Some people stood up and went to help the poor dragon slayer, until Lucy let out a horrid shriek.

"AAAAAAHHH!!!" She looked in horror as she pointed to Natsu's missing leg under his pants. Natsu panicked as he looked around and saw Happy holding the prosthetic limb with a just as shocked look on his face.

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