I'll Still Love you~ Gratsu

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Requested by anime288!

anime288: "The whole guild were in shock after Natsu told them he was END and Natsu was about to kill himself (he was far away) the whole guild was running to him but Natsu stabbed himself before anyone got to him. Gray got to him and told Natsu he loved him and cried. Then a year later, Natsu woke up in a hospital and I will leave the rest to you."

They asked for me to not screenshot their request, but you never said anything about copy-and-paste. ^ω^


It was silent. In the midst of a war zone, mages of the Fairy Tail guild stood in shock as they surrounded the pink haired dragon slayer they've always known as family.

Except this time, they weren't so sure whose side he was on anymore.

"...Natsu, y-you're kidding..." Makarov couldn't help but stutter. Natsu was looking down with a lifeless expression.

"...It's true..." The guild members were still in denial, even after seeing their fellow member appear with the book of E.N.D in his hands.

With everyone standing with a similar expression on their faces, Gray was the most shocked one of all of them.

'The person I was destined to kill...was my best friend?'

He clenched his fist and gritted him teeth. His entire body was beginning to be overcome by rage.

"Natsu...this isn't funny..." No response, "E.N.D is our enemy, there's no way you could possibly..." His words came out as a whisper, but Natsu heard it as clear as day.

He looked up, straight at Gray. He slowly slid his finger inside the book between the pages, not opening it, but leaving a gap. The action caused everyone to tense as they watched everything in slow motion.

All of a sudden, Natsu ripped a page out of the book, causing it to burn and fade away into ashes. At the same time, a large gash appeared on Natsu's arm, making his blood splatter the ground near him.

The last drop of his blood fell at the same time a sweat dripped down Gray's face.

"I know, Gray. You were suppose to kill me..." He said in a dead tone. Tears gathered in his eyes, but were covered by his bangs.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm sorry that I kept such a thing from all of you..." He clenched the book tighter to his chest.

"Natsu, there is nothing to be sorry for. We were just worried as to why Zeref was so close to you. We didn't mean for it to turn out this way." Erza spoke up. Natsu shook his head sideways.

"No Erza, this is my fault." He looked around and saw every one of the injures his comrades ended up receiving.

"Natsu, we didn't know that you were carrying a burden this big. All we want to do is help."

"There's nothing you can help me with..."

"Natsu please! Please, let us help you! Let us help you from all this! This isn't right for you or for anyone! W-We can destroy E.N.D somehow and set you free from this curse!" Lucy cried. Natsu's shoulders trembled.

"Oi, Natsu." Natsu froze. His heart beat fast as he heard his voice.

"Just let us save you for once." Gray said. His eyes held longing, his fury replaced, as he remembered all the times Natsu nearly sacrificed himself for the guild. He couldn't kill him no matter who Natsu really was.

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