Star Gazing/Stormy Night!~ Gratsu Week

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Here's day 5! I chose star gazing by the way!

I was walking up the hill holding my love's hand. His warmth felt soothing, even through the very palm of his hand.

"Gray? Where are we going?" He asked. I turned my head and smiled. Even though we haven't reached our destination yet, I feel as if I could see the universe in his big, beautiful eyes.

He tilted his head a bit at my silence, eyes twinkling in the moonlight. I chuckled at his adorable response.

"Almost there Natsu, promise." He nodded and gripped my hand tighter as he tried to keep up with my speed. My heart is racing. I could barely keep my excitement inside.

We finally reached the top of the hill. In the middle lied a picnic blanket and a basket full of food. I even packed wine for the occasion.

"Gray! This is so sweet!" Natsu gasped. I smiled even brighter and led him to his spot. His spot was surrounded by rose petals with a little dragon figurine in the middle. He teared up while grinning because it reminded him of his father.

"Gray, I love it. All of it." He said while turning towards me. I kissed him on the forehead and he began our picnic.


After we finished our food, we laid down while gazing at the night sky. The twinkling stars were shining beautifully along with the moon. I turned to my side and saw something even more beautiful though.

Natsu was smiling. Not his regular, care free smile, but a smile of content. A smile of true happiness. Not to mention, a hue of pink was paired along with it across his cheeks. He turned towards me and reached for my face.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"You're welcome." I replied. I sat up and leaned down to kiss his soft lips. The kiss was full of passion, of only love.

We separated and I stood up. He stood up as well with a hint of confusion. I held his hands.

"Natsu, you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this to you. On our first year together, our first anniversary and everything, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, whether you were my rival, my friend, or my lover..." Natsu began to tear up as I reached into my pocket.

I kneeled down on one knee and opened the dark blue box that I had kept hidden. A little glow was reflected by the ring. By now, he was already crying.

"Natsu Dragneel, will you marry me?"

I didn't even get a chance to hear anything before I was tackled onto the blanket with hands grasping my face and lips onto mine. I felt his warm tears hit my skin and before I knew it, I was kissing back.

"*sniffles* Y-Yes!" He cried. My own tears fell and I pulled him into another embrace.

We then kissed the night away, the stars lighting the path to our future together.


I don't know about you guys, but to me, starry nights are like the best time for a proposal.

Until then💕

(Yes, they kissed until dawn❣❣❣)

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(Yes, they kissed until dawn❣❣❣)

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