Why? ~ Gratsu

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I recently just learned that a one shot is suppose to be short and simple

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I recently just learned that a one shot is suppose to be short and simple. Oops.

Anyways, requested by @Katy111loves!!! Enjoy!

'Humph! This is gonna be a piece of cake!' A certain pink haired dragon slayer thought as he walked down the street towards the guild.

"All I have to do is say no to that ice princess and I'll win!" He laughed at the thought of rejecting the ice mage in every single way.

"Hmm, but then that means I can't fight him even if he asks for it..." He then began to pout. Once he reached the guildhall, he kicked open the doors and grinned his signature smile.

"Yo minna!" "Hey Natsu!" The guild chorused in response. A certain ice mage perked up at seeing his crush enter the guild.

"Oi! Dragon Breath! Come with me, we need to settle something!" Seeing this as his chance, Natsu turned away and crossed his arms with a smug look.

"No." He said. Gray froze.

'Natsu has never said no to a challenge before...'

"What did you say?!"

"I said no." And with a sassy grin, he turned and headed towards the bar. Gray, as well as the rest of the guild members, stared in shock as Natsu began to order his food.

"So Natsu, I see that the dare is going great so far." Mirajane whispered. She had been in the game to witness the challenge that was made.

"Yeah, this was honestly the easiest dare anyone's ever given me." He whispered back as he began to chew on his meat.

Meanwhile, Gray was still staring at Natsu, confused.

'What's going on with that flame brain?'

Suddenly, his mind began to swarm with negative thoughts.

'Wait, what if he doesn't want to hang out with me anymore? Is he just ignoring me because of our constant fights? OH S**T, HE TRULY DOES HATE ME!!!' Gray mentally panicked.

'If he already hates me, then there's only one thing to do now...'

Gray all of a sudden walks towards the pink haired mage and makes a shushing sign towards Mirajane. She nods her head, confused as Gray snuck up behind Natsu.

Then, he wraps his arms around his waist and hoists him over his shoulder, causing Natsu to choke on his food.

"OI! WHAT THE F---!?!"

"You are coming with me."

"EH!? I said NO!! Mira! Help me!!" He stretches out towards her, only to be met with a friendly wave.

"Have fun you two!"

(He may have slightly died inside.)

Gray then walks them both to a secluded area in the forest. Natsu rolls off of Gray's shoulder and throws his small chicken bone at his head.

"What was that for, stupid ice princess?!"

"Go out with me."

Silence surrounded the two of them as Natsu slowly began to blush.


"Go. Out. With. Me."

"N-No..." He replies. Gray felt a stab in his chest.

"Why not?..." Now Natsu was speechless.

'Oh God, what am I going to say?...'

"B-Because..." His blush intensified. Gray leaned closer, creating a proximity of a few centimeters.

"Because?" Natsu stayed silent. Gray sighed and backed away.

"I get it, you hate me. You could have just said so..." He then turned around to walk away.

"NO! W-Wait!" Natsu's hand grasped around Gray's wrist.

"What." He spat. Natsu flinched at the rude response.

"I-I...it's a dare..." He mumbled. Gray raised an eyebrow as he turned back.


Natsu sighed and hesitantly looked him in the eyes.

"It's a dare...I'm suppose to say no to you no matter what..." He explained as he shyly looked away. Gray understood and smiled.

"Oh I see." He says. Natsu looks up as Gray held his hand.

"Then, will you go out with me?" He asks. Natsu grinned.

"No!" He says while eagerly nodding his head.

Gray then pulled them together and gave a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you Natsu."

"I love you too Gray."

They walk out of the forest hand-and-hand with content looks on their faces. All of a sudden, Gray smirked mischievously.

"Ne Natsu~?" Natsu responds with a hum.

"You'll say no to me, no matter what right~?" Gray pulled Natsu even closer. Natsu slowly nods, not liking where this is going.

"Then..." Gray pins Natsu to a large tree. Natsu blushes as Gray smirks down on him.

"Will you deny me access of whatever I choose to do with you~?" He grips his chin and tilts his head up.

Natsu quivers at the lustful gaze he's receiving.


Gray covers the surrounding area lightning quick with ice walls as he strips the both of them down. Natsu was mortified as he turned even redder than before.



Yay, I updated!

Until then💕

Until then💕

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