Halloween Special!

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It was a dark and stormy night. In the midst of the downpour stood a cottage house. Inside lived a pink haired boy along with a blue cat. Their names are Natsu Dragneel and Happy.

They were sitting next to the fireplace, eating candy and minding their own business when suddenly, a knock was heard.

Natsu glanced at the door with curiosity before ignoring the thought. That was until another knock was heard.

"*sigh* Coming!" Natsu signalled before walking to the door. He opened it to find a tall person hidden within a cloak.

"May I help you?" Natsu asked. The cloaked person stood there with no reply. Natsu pouted and grabbed ahold of the person's arm.

"Don't just stand there! Come inside! You'll catch a cold in this weather." Natsu said as he pulled the stranger into his house.

Natsu closed the door and turned around, only to come face to face with the stranger who was just two inches away from him.

"Ah! S-Sorry but, you seem a bit too close." Natsu stuttered as he backed away from the stranger.

The person soon stood up and gently tugged at his hood, revealing his unruly, raven hair and handsome looks.

"Sorry for the intrusion," said the man as he spoke in his deep, husky voice, "but I was wondering if I could stay here. Your home was the only place nearby and I could not see even a few feet with all this rain."

"Oh! Of course! Anything to help a fellow citizen, I just thought you were hurt or in need of assistance. Please, help yourself at home." Natsu said with a smile as he gestured to the living room.

The man said nothing as he stepped closer and grabbed ahold of Natsu's chin. He tilted his head up as he went so close to where they were nose length apart.

"U-Uh, s-sir?!" Natsu squeaked as he man observed his flushed face.

"Such pure blood and innocence. It is hard to believe that darkness may dwell upon you." He whispered as he glided his thumb over Natsu's bottom, plump lip.

"A sweet, little angel."

Natsu couldn't help but blush harder at the man's close proximity and flirtation. The man smirked as he let go and walked to where the couch was located.

Natsu stayed where he stood as he tried to process what just happened. Natsu shook his head and soon followed the man.

He spotted him sitting next to the fireplace as he stripped off his soaked cloak, leaving him in nothing but his pants.

Natsu blushed at how toned and well defined the man's muscles were and tried to look away.

"What is the matter? Do you like what you see~?" The man teased as he looked over his shoulder to view the pinkette's embarrassment.

"...I'll just go get some drinks..." Natsu uttered before running into the kitchen. Natsu tried to calm his beating heart as he poured some water into glass cups.

When he got back, he saw the man petting his cat. Natsu smiled as he set down the beverages and sat next to the man.

"Hey, you still didn't tell me your name." Natsu said. The man chuckled before facing his attention to him.

"My name is Gray Fullbuster. I would also want to know the lovely owner of this establishment's name as well." Gray flirts as Natsu's face coloured with pink.

"M-My name is Natsu Dragneel. Nice to meet you Gray." He replied as he held out his hand. Gray took hold of the smaller one before placing a kiss on top of the back.

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