Well Played~ Gratsu

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Request from Jammerblue08716! I decided to do both and I will not regret it! Of course, Natsu is still the uke! Enjoy!
Another Neko Natsu and a wolf/dog Gray!

"Natsu, you have no idea how much I want to sink my teeth into you right now..." Gray growled as he put on a black maid's dress. They did a bet and the winner was suppose to be the loser's master for a week. Unfortunately for Gray, he lost...

He slipped on the dress and cringed. It was so fricking tight that he can't even fit it and his muscles were already busting the seams. His boxers were also showing and he has never felt the need to strip so much. His tail was also feeling uncomfortable...

Once he exited the bathroom, he was met with a smirking, pink neko. Natsu's ears twitched as his tail swished all sassily like. He snickered and circled around Gray. Gray tried his very best not to pounce on his so called "master" and possibly bang--BEAT him to death...

"Haha! Wow ice princess! You look even more ridiculous than I thought! This is going to be an enjoyable weekend!" He said as he clapped his hands together. Gray dug his claws into the palms of his hands to prevent him from going all devil slayer on him.

"Now, go get me a bowl of milk and some lit firewood!" Natsu commanded as he walked to his living room and sat down in his couch all comfy like.

"Yes, flame brain." He replied.

"Oh! And call me master!" Natsu continued with a cheeky smile. Gray growled once more before forcing a smile and growling.

"Yes, master... "

He walked into the kitchen to get a bowl of milk and outside to get some firewood. He created a fire and almost debated on whether he should burn the house down or not...

Once he got the requested things, Natsu bounced in his seat and signaled Gray to put the bowl down. He did so and created some sort of holder made of ice to put the torch in.
Natsu meowed and crawled towards his food, licking the milk from the bowl on his hands and knees. Gray's eyes widened and turned his head away from the quite arousing sight bestowed upon him.

He always had a small crush on Natsu ever since they were children but he sealed those feelings away because he never wanted anyone to know that he actually liked his rival.

Now that the pink headed boy was unintentionally acting all cute and adorable in front of him, those feelings seemed to have broken out and now there was a new one added to them. Longing and want. Maybe even with a hint of lust.

"Mmmm~ This milk taste delicious! Gray, go get me some more!" Natsu ordered as he licked his lips with a little stream of milk dribbling down his chin. Gray had no choice but to obey and get out of the room as fast as he can before Natsu could see his semi hard on and his blushing face.

'God dammit Natsu!!' Gray thought as he went into the kitchen to get the carton of milk. When he went back to the living room, he saw his master licking his hand with streams of milk down his chin and onto his chest.

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