Here Kitty, Kitty~ Gratsu/Stingsu/Rogsu

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Requested by otaku-chanforevah! Enjoy!

It was just a normal day in Fiore. The guilds of this kingdom have been taking a sort of vacation. It was something everyone could agree on and the masters did their very best to provide their children with such luxury.

"Waaah~! This is simply the best, don't you think?" A certain blonde asked her red headed girlfriend.

"Mmm. I believe this has been one of the most relaxing moments I've ever had." Erza replied. She and Lucy glanced at everyone having fun on the beach.

Some guild members were swimming while others made sandcastles or played sports.
The other guilds even joined in on their "family" bonding time.

They smiled at everyone having fun, until they noticed that the colors of pink hair and blue fur were nowhere in sight. They sighed simultaneously.

'Where are those two idiots...' Was Erza's last thought.


"Happy! What am I going to do?!?!" Natsu whisper-yelled as he tugged on his hood further down. He and Happy were currently in their swimsuits, hiding behind some giant rocks away from the people.

Natsu was really looking forward to this vacation and did everything he could to make sure he'd attend it. He planned on challenging his other friends, swimming with Happy, making sandcastles, and whatever he could think of.

However, he had forgotten that the moment he exited the hotel and changed in the local men's locker room, he was so screwed.

The two crucial evidences to his demise where twitching on top of his head and swishing behind his rear.

"Well, it's not exactly my problem. You were the one who forgot that you were a Neko hybrid and decided to keep this as a secret for how many years." The blue exceed responded with a teasing look on his face. Natsu pouted at his partner and tried to keep from exposing his appendages.

"Dammit, why did I have to be born a Neko?... Now everyone's going to laugh at me..." He mumbled. Happy sighed as he patted his partner's back.

"I'm pretty sure it's not going to be that bad! Just say you got it from a mission recently or something. At least the girls will be all over you!" Happy replied.

"I'm gay." Natsu straight out deadpanned. Happy fell onto the sand with an exasperated look.

"I know that, but that's not what I--you know what, never mind..." Happy mumbled. He then grew his wings and began to lift Natsu up.

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