Hot Spring!~ Gratsu Week

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Here's day 3!!!

"Hah~! Man, this feels good!" Natsu moans as he sinks deeper into the hot water. Gray stared in jealousy as he saw how much his lover enjoyed this.

"How is this suppose to feel good? It's too damn hot in here..." He said. Natsu raised an eyebrow as he looked at Gray.

"Gray, it's a hot spring... It's suppose to be hot." He replied. Gray shrugged and closed his eyes.

"It's not really my thing though. I'm an ice mage." Natsu scooted closer to him and held his hand.

"Just relax Gray. You've been so tense in the last few days." Gray looked at him but said nothing. Natsu pouted and got out of the water.

"Where are you going?" Gray asked as Natsu tightened the small towel on his waist and kneeled behind Gray.

"Since you've been so grouchy lately, I've decided to give you an exclusive dragon massage!" He said. Gray froze at the warm finger tips that suddenly grasped his shoulders and feared the worst.

However, the massage was a lot more gentle than he thought. Gray groaned as Natsu worked towards his back, taking all the knots away.

"Oh my God, Natsu. That really feels good..." He moaned and Natsu blushed at his words. After a few minutes, Gray felt so relaxed, he was practically a pile of goo.

His entire body, except for his head, was now sunk inside the hot spring and Natsu slowly got in.

He was about to sit at his original spot, until he felt a grasp at his thigh.

"Gray?" He said. Gray smirked and pulled the fire mage closer to his body.

"Since you managed to give me the time of my life, I feel as if I should return the favor." He sat Natsu on top of his lap, right above his hard on. Natsu blushed as he felt the large mass poking between his butt cheeks.

"G-Gray! We can't do this here!" He whispered vigorously. Gray feigned innocence and put his hands on the other's shoulders.

"Do what here? I just want to give you a massage." He said and began to move his fingers, Natsu soon relaxing under his touch.

"Mmm~! G-Gray...a little more down please~?" He moaned. Gray smirked as he felt the warmth in his cheeks grow and complied to Natsu's request.

His fingers dipped into the curves of Natsu's hips and thoroughly pressed into his lower back. Natsu unintentionally leaned forward, showing more of his lower body and the top part of his towel.

Gray slowly unraveled the towel and slid his hands under the two large mounds behind it. Natsu moaned even louder as he felt his fingers slide between the two mounds and poke at his entrance.

"You seem pretty tense back here Natsu~! Why don't I help you relax~?" Gray whispered into his ear. Natsu slowly nodded and blushed even darker as he felt Gray's finger enter his hole.

He arched his back and held on to the wall closest to him. Gray's own body was bent over his own as he fingered the quivering, moaning pinkette beneath him.

The rest of their evening was spent in the steamy hotness of the springs~!

Lol no smut! Sorry, I'm not in the mood for it but I did write the intro to it so you could all imagine what you want.

Until then💕

Until then💕

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