Neko Natsu~ Gratsu

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I realize I haven't done a Neko one yet so here you go!

Natsu's pov🔥

"Okay! See ya Stingue!!! Oops, I mean, Sting and Rogue!" I yelled as I waved back. I saw them pause before full blown blushing.
(A/N: you people better be f**king happy...")

"Natsu-San!! O/////O"
"G-Good bye to you too, Natsu-san... >//~//<" They said as they turned around to go back to their guild.

I just came back from a mission with the Sabertooth couple, hehe! It turns out that we were heading towards the same place and we thought we might as well tag along.

"They lliiiiiiiiiike each other!" Happy said. I couldn't help but laugh since it was so true. Like seriously! The night when we were camping out, I exited my tent to put out the fire, only to find them kissing under a tree! I was surprised they still noticed me when they looked so into it.

"So Happy, what do you think we should do with this potion?" I asked holding up the bottle of pink liquid. It was part of our reward since the client said he didn't know what to do with it, so they just gave it to us. Happy just shrugged and tried to read the label.

"I don't know Natsu, we don't even know what's in it. All it says here is that you need to be careful when you handle the bottle. Just one drop of it can lead to a 'major consequence'." He said.

Major consequence my a**. If it was so dangerous, why give it to any wizard? They should have just thrown it away.

"Well, maybe we can just give it to Levy. She'll find some good use to it." He continued. I nodded while petting his head and we continued our trip to.......the hell train!!

Third person's pov

On The Train...

"Uuuuuuuuugh!!" Natsu groaned as he released his lunch from his stomach out the window. Happy was busy rubbing his back, trying to sooth his technical father.

When Natsu went to lay down after his sixth throw up, the two did not notice that the bottle on the seat knocked over and spilled some of the liquid onto both of their heads. The two immediately went to take a nap, only to wake up several hours later with a big surprise.

---------------------Time Skip /)°^°(\--------------------------

Natsu's pov🔥

Haaah! That was a nice nap! When I sat up, I remembered that we were still on the train and braced myself for another tummy ache. However, it never came. I slowly opened my eyes, only to jump back from shock to see a blue haired boy sleeping next to me!

"O-Oi! Who the hell are you?!" I exclaimed, waking him up in the process. The boy slowly opened his eyes and looked at me in confusion. When he sat up, I noticed that he was wearing a red and white striped shirt with green shorts and had blue cat ears and a tail.

"What do you mean Natsu? It's me, Happy." He said, yawning while rubbing his eyes.



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