Words Can't Describe How Wonderful You Are~ Gratsu

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Requested by MichelleRosey! Now this is a new one!

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Requested by MichelleRosey! Now this is a new one!

By the way, I'm just going to write my one shots based on whatever seems easiest to do from now on since I've been getting a lot of new requests lately. Like seriously, I have more than 15 drafts right now, I'm not kidding. Anyways, enjoy!

* = stands for sign language and Natsu is able to read lips by the way.

*Hello beautiful, how are you?* Large, pale hands formed series of letters in front of the pink haired boy. Said boy smiled and signed back.

*I'm doing just fine! I've seen a couple of puppies walking down the street this morning!* His smaller hands were excitingly forming letters that were almost too fast for the other to understand.

Gray smiled as he shook his head. He gently took Natsu's hands into his own and kissed his fingers. Natsu blushed at the affectionate gesture.

"I love you." He mouthed those silent yet strong words. Natsu turned a brighter red as he read his partner's lips.

He subconsciously buried his burning cheeks into his scarf as Gray let out an audible chuckle. Natsu pouted at his boyfriend's antics and even went as far as showing an insulting gesture.

Gray smirked and leaned down to kiss his lover's soft lips. The two spent a minute in that position before they separated with an adoring look in their eyes.

They continued their walk in the spring filled park, enjoying the beautiful scenery the season had to offer. Gray secretly picked some colorful flowers and presented them to Natsu. He slowly took them with admiration as he felt the soft petals beneath his fingertips.

Natsu looked up and signed with one hand *Thank you~!*

Gray replied with a *You're welcome.* as he fondly observed his partner's smile. Natsu even decided to put one pink little flower behind his ear, making the boy even more beautiful to look at.

*How do I look?* He signed with pinkish cheeks.

*Cute.* Gray signed back. Natsu cheekily grinned and went on his toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. He then ran towards another field of flowers that caught his vision. Gray could only stare at his boyfriend's childish look as he started making a flower crown.

'A flower crown of all things. Goodness, I love this adorable creature way too much.' Gray's final thoughts on Natsu's actions. He sat down on a nearby bench and slowly took out his phone to take a picture.

The angle was almost too perfect.

With flowers in the background and the sunlight hitting his salmon hair and tanned skin, Natsu could've came from another dream of Gray's imagination.

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