Valentine's Day Special

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This is short, sowwy

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This is short, sowwy. Requested by _stellar_secret_16!

"Gray! Hurry up!" Natsu whined as he kept hitting the sofa. Gray sighed and put the popcorn down.

"Can you calm down and stop abusing my couch?" He replied. Natsu pouted and Gray rolled his eyes at the gesture.

"Scoot over or else I'm gonna sit on you." Immediately, Natsu moved out of the way and grinned at his boyfriend. Gray couldn't help but smile back as the glow from his lover was too contagious.

"So, what are we watching?" Natsu leaned forward to pick up three CD covers and showed them to him.

"You pick! I couldn't choose from all these amazing films!" Gray gave him fake exhausted look before choosing a random CD.

"It doesn't really matter though. Most of these are animated anyways." Gray slid in the disk and the two waited for the screen to play.


"*sniffle* *sniffle* A-Aww..." A whimper came from the pinkette's lips as he leaned on the other's shoulder.

"...Are you seriously crying over a fish?" Gray deadpanned. He received a punch to the arm right after.

"Urusai! It's a nice movie and it deals with a real life scenario!" Natsu fought. Gray frowned at his fuming boyfriend.

"'s a fish..." He said again. Natsu growled before turning his body away from the ice mage.

"Awe, come on flame brain, don't be like that." Gray groaned. Natsu wouldn't turn around as the credits on the screen continued to roll. Gray sighed and stood up. He went to the kitchen and came back with a heart shaped box.

"Look what I got~!" He teased. Natsu refused to turn around regardless of the sweet smelling scent of chocolates that entered his nose. Gray then pulled out a bouquet of roses from behind the side of his couch.

"Natsu~! I know you can sense what I got for you, love~!" He leaned forward and whispered this words into his ears. Natsu let out a shiver as he felt his cold breath blow against his sensitive spot.

"Are still not going to turn around or say anything~?" He asked. Natsu shook his head sideways and hid his blushing face into the cushion.

"Hah...I guess I'll just give these to Juvia then--" Before he could even finish, Natsu turned around and stole the gifts from Gray's hands as he plopped himself into his mate's lap. He blushed for falling for his trick so easily, but he couldn't help it when the name of his rival is mentioned.

He felt much more satisfied when the feeling Gray's strong arms wrap themselves around his waist as he leaned down to kiss the back of his neck.

"I love you Natsu." He said with much honesty and loyalty within those words. Natsu's heart swelled as the blush on his face grew darker.

"I love you too, Gray. Happy Valentine's Day." He replied and ended his declaration with a kiss. Gray kissed back and they spent the rest of the day cuddling with each other in their arms.

"Happy Valentine's Day too, Natsu."

The End❣



Who else is forever alone? Well, at least I got anime and manga to keep me busy! Have a nice day!

Until then💕


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