Torture~ Gratsu

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Requested by FenPham aka Jammy

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Requested by FenPham aka Jammy. It's always smut...

'It's so cold...'

Slim, muscled arms shuddered as he hung from the cobblestone walls. His breaths turned to short pants of air as he tried to focus his vision.

He glanced at the two pairs of empty chains next to him. He could still remember exactly where the other two were placed.

'At least Lucy and Happy are safe.'

The cage's door creaked open and the fire mage glared at who entered. Entering his sight was a familiar face he once saw as a friend.

"Hello Natsu." The deep voice echoed through the walls. Natsu shuddered even more.


Said person smirked at the weak whisper and stalked forward. He leaned down and gripped the other's chin so he could see his glazed eyes. Eyes that were still full of hope.

"Tch, pathetic." He spat. Natsu continued to stare forward, not bothered by the insult.

"The others still can't seem to trust me with you here. I think it's about time I show them how I control my pet." He growled. He unlocked the chains and threw Natsu's cold, numb body over his shoulder.

He exited the torture room and dropped Natsu onto the floor. There he lay in the middle of a snickering crowd full of dark mages. He glanced up to see all the terrible faces of the Avatar members.

"Well! GET ON WITH IT!!" A shout was heard from one of the guild members as the crowd began to cheer.

Natsu felt a grip on his hair and was yanked up to face the devil slayer. He was then met with a punch to the face and fell flat onto the floor. He then felt someone mounting him and saw the devil slayer's marks rise up to meet with his glowing eyes.

For the first time, Natsu felt truly scared of his rival.

The smirk was still ever so present on his face as he began to rip the dragon slayer's clothes, scratching his body in the process.

Cat calls and whistles were heard as Gray forced his lips onto Natsu's, his hands roaming all over his now naked body. Natsu feebly tried to resist, but Gray's new-found strength kept him in place.

Gray broke off the kiss, turned Natsu's body around and slammed his head onto the concrete floor. Tears escaped his eyes as he watched Gray freeze his limbs until he was completely immobilized.

He was surprised he could even feel the stream of blood flowing out of his head injury.

"G-Gray, please don't do this..." He whimpered. He was gently caressed in the face as Gray's look turned slightly guilty for a second.

Soon, the taller man's pants were unbuckled and his long, thick member was placed at his already bruised hole.

He thrusted in harshly as the avatar members drank in Natsu's painful screams. Gray kept thrusting with a pleasured look on his face as Natsu cried even more.

Natsu felt utter disgust and betrayal. He hated how his body was reacting to Gray's rough actions, he hated how his screams were slowly turning into moans, and he hated loving the feeling of Gray marking up his skin with bruises and bite marks.

He hated all of it, but he just can't seem hate Gray.

"A-Ahhhh! Nnngh-gah-haah~!!"

The thrusting sped up and soon, he was filled to the brim with Gray's warm seed. The Avatar members seemed satisfied by the scene and left with perverted looks and some things to deal with in private.

After everyone in the room left, Gray quickly pulled out and fixed his clothes. He unfroze Natsu as the devil marks started retracting. He stood up to leave as Natsu whimpered at the loss and silently cried for Gray's sudden actions.

Gray then came back with a blanket as he gathered the hurt mage into his arms. He had an extremely guilty feeling and wanted to kill himself for doing such things to his friend (lover).

"I'm sorry Natsu, I'm so, so sorry..." He whispered as Natsu hesitantly snuggled into his warmth.

Natsu's cries and Gray's quiet apologies were the only things heard that night.


...You asked for it. ╮(-︿-)╭

Until then💕

Until then💕

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