The Other Side Of Natsu~ Gratsu

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Request from @yaotakucat!

Gray's pov❄️

Even I have to admit that Natsu is one of the bravest people I know. He fights monsters that most people wouldn't have the balls to look at, challenges even wizard saints, and goes to places no body ever wants to set foot in.

So when I suggested on taking him to a scary movie premiere along with the gang, well of course, he was excited. When we were already sitting in our seats and the movie just started, a scary part popped out of no where and the girls were frightened as hell with Erza comforting them. Well, that's understandable.

However..............I did not expect to have Natsu squeal in fear along with them and immediately attach himself to my arm while cuddling up to my chest. Now that, that was shocking.

I looked down to see if he was alright, but what I saw was not like his usual behavior. He was shivering with little tears in his eyes, his cheeks were adorned with a reddish hue, and he was whimpering like a small child. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen and I never expected to see this side of Natsu.

"Oi baka, what the hell is up with you?" I whispered trying to keep up my rivalry act. He sniffled and looked down at my chest.

"N-Nothing, ice princess. I just, uh, wanted to try and, um, squeeze the life out" He whispered back and sat down on his own chair, refusing to look my way.

Squeeze the life out me? Does he mean like a hug or an actual fighting move? The way he did it seemed more like a cuddle to me...

"Aww, is the little salamander actually scared of a movie~?" I taunted. He turned his head my way with an infuriating pout and punched me in the shoulder.

"Urusai! And No! I'm not scared of a m-movie like this! Even I know it's fake! Yeah, fake...." He whisper yelled, but mumbled the last part to himself as if he were trying to reassure himself. I decided to play with his new personality since this was starting to get way more interesting than the movie.

"You know, before it even started, I heard it was based on a true story." I lied and smirked when I saw him stiffen and slowly turned towards me with a nervous look.

"D-Did you now? W-Well, I bet it just some sort of lie to make the movie a bit more scarier! You know, for the people watching it." He said. I wanted to laugh at his little attempt on trying to act brave, but that may land me a blow to the head from Erza for interrupting the movie...

We were busy glaring at each other face to face until another jump scare popped up and this time, not only did Natsu cuddle against me again, but he also managed to jump into my lap without me noticing!

"K-Kyaaaaah!" He squealed as he buried his face into my chest and wrapped my jacket around himself. He was now shivering more vigorously and I started to feel sorry for him.

I wrapped my own arms around him and held him against me. I felt him snuggle into me more and even in the dark room, I can still see a faint red blush appear on his cheeks. I smiled and laid my chin onto his head as I continued to watch the movie.

After a few minutes passed, I felt that he hasn't moved for a while and went to check on him. I saw that he was sleeping peacefully on me and his blush was still there.

I heard a "psst" next to me and turned to see Erza smirking while holding a sleeping Wendy against her and a silently fangirling Lucy mouthing the words, "Holy s**t, I ship it!!"

Yeah, best movie night ever!


Holy S**t! I'm so sorry for not updating in forever! I was originally planning on posting this A LOT sooner and make it even longer, but then I was absent for a few days from my school and I had to do so much make up work! Plus, I just remembered that this was a request from @yaotakucat and I started worrying!

Like, "damn, what if she thinks I forgot to do hers?! She must be pissed! No, everyone's gonna be pissed! I'm screwed!"

GOMENASAI!!!!! *repeatedly bows*

Please! I'll make it up to you guys! In fact, I'm trying to work on another request right now so if I can, I'll try to post it today later on!
Again, I apologize!

Until then💕

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