Random #3: I'm Not Gay....Right?

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been updating lately, school has been really stressing me out... Anyways, to show you that I'm alive and that I haven't forgotten my stories, here's a little random one shot.

"Dude, Gray. Come on man, just admit it!" Loke said as he wrapped an arm around Gray's shoulders.

"Loke, how many times do I have to tell you, I'M NOT GAY!" Gray replied.

"But you've dated guys before right?" Loke said as he smirked.

"Yeah, as well as women. Just because we had a drunken moment before doesn't mean I'm gay, Loke." Gray growled before he went back onto his phone.

"Fine, but I'm telling you. If you ever come across some hot guy, then call me. I need some once in a while." Loke said before going back to do his homework before the bell rings.

"Yeah right, you man w***e." Gray sarcastically replied, not even bothering to look up from his phone.

Five minutes later, a blue haired little girl came bursting through the room, screaming in delight.

"He's Here!! He's Here, He's Here, He's Here, He's Here, He's Here!!!" She screamed before she was picked up by a certain black haired man.

"Who's here, Wendy?" Zeref said as he held Wendy in his arms, making sure not to hold her too tight.

"Natsu-nii! Zeref-nii, he actually came!!" Wendy said before she jumped out of Zeref's arms and bolted for the door on the other side of the room.

Zeref stood frozen in shock, freaking out the other occupants in the room.

"Zeref, are you okay sweetie?" Mavis said as she carefully inched towards her boyfriend. All of a sudden, Zeref screamed out.

"Natsu's Here!! Wait, where's Rahkeid?!" He yelled out, searching quickly all around the room.

Then, the doors bursted open once again by a white haired male with a cross on his forehead.

"I heard the news that Natsu is here! Where is he?!" Rahkeid said as he looked around the room until his eyes landed on Zeref.

"You foul being, where have you hidden the most innocent out of us three?!" He exclaimed before marching up to his relative.

Everyone else was just freaking out on why the famous Dragneel brothers were arguing. Let's just say, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

"First of all, Natsu is not your innocent little brother, he's my innocent little brother!! Secondly, he's not even your brother, he's your cousin!!" The eldest of the two exclaimed back with an enraged expression.

"Love has no limits so where is my precious?!" Rahkeid yelled.

"Like hell am I going to give him to you!" Zeref yelled as well.

"Just watch me!" The white haired Dragneel said as he ran towards the door with a competitive Zeref right behind him.

Once the two left, the room was silent.

"...what the f**k just happened?" Gajeel spoke, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"I have no idea, Gajeel, but I think I should go check to see what is going on." Mavis said before running towards the door.

"Wait, we'll come too!" The other people, along with Gray and Loke said before following their sensei.

Once they all got out, they were met with the sight of Wendy cuddling with a cute, pink haired person.

"Wendy! Yamate! I haven't been gone for that long!" The pink haired cutie whined as he tried wiggling out of the teenager's grasp.

"NATSU!!!!" Two familiar voices yelled before the pinkette was tackled by black and white Dragneels.

"Z-Zeref-nii!! Rahkeid-nii!! Get off!!" Natsu yelled, struggling against the embrace held by his two older brothers.

Everyone was awestruck at the fact that the Dragneels had a third brother.

'H-He's so cute!!!' Everyone's thoughts combined as they held their noses from dripping at the pink haired Dragneel.

All of a sudden, Zeref and Rahkeid felt the urge to kill. They both turned to glare at the huge crowd, letting out a deadly aura.

"Come near our precious little brother and you're dead." They simultaneously said, making Natsu sweat drop.

"O-Oi, I don't need you to protect me..." Natsu pouted, making everyone nosebleed.


Gray nosebleeds to oblivion while Loke nearly fainted.

Gray then pulls out his phone and dialed Loke's number.

"W-What is it?" Loke answered next to him.

"Loke..........I think I'm gay." And with that, they fainted to Natsu Heaven.


To those who thought high school is hard....it is. Only four-five weeks and I'm already dying from projects, essays, and geometric formulas. Eh, I'll survive.

Until then💕

Until then💕

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