Illegal Love~ Gratsu

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This one shot was inspired by so many messed up things my friends made me watch........Enjoy!!

Warning: may contain slight bondage and a little rape/smut...(you probably know where this is going anyways)
Police AU but with magic :3

Natsu's pov🔥

I let out an exasperating sigh as I slammed the files down. S**t!! Another victim has been raped and we haven't got any new leads or even the slightest bit of a clue!!

Not only that, we even had two murders, five robberies, and four kidnappings since the last month. And you know what we got? Nothing! Just a stupid scrunched up sticky note that said "YoU'rE NeXt!¡" made with cut out letters from a magazine.

That's literally the third "death" threat we received and it's so cliché!! Seriously, I kinda expected more from them...

Either way, that doesn't really add up or make any sense! We even tried thinking of a way to find out about something using the three notes!!

The files that I was holding consists of the descriptions and all we know about the infamous group. Apparently, they are called "The Demon Princes", which is pretty strange if you ask me, and they have at least five people in their group. They are a bunch of criminals who would rape, steal, kidnap, and even kill innocent civilians.

How we got the number? Well, there was always a minimum of five crimes happening each month and they were all from the same people, but at very different times or places. We assumed that since they couldn't have made more during the time period, they probably didn't have much members in their organization.

"Oi salamander. I think it's about time you took a break from all this. You look like you haven't got any sleep since the last decade." My partner in crime, Gajeel, said as he pulled me away from my desk.

"No, it's alright Redfox, I'm just stressed out that we can't find any new clues relating to all the illegal activities they've done. These 'Demon Princes', might as well call it 'pains-in-my-ass'..." I mumbled, which almost made him spit out his coffee.

"Gihi, well, at least take a short rest before continuing on your s**t, I mean, you're making the others worried about your well being." He continued. I was about to decline until he interrupted me.

"I swear, If you don't at least go home and take a f**king nap, I will drag you to your house and throw you in from the window." He said before walking away casually like he didn't just threaten me. I shook my head sideways before letting out a small smile.

Even though he's an ass, he still cares about his family and everyone else in the force, he just doesn't show it to anyone other than Levy, Wendy, me, and our cats.

I decided to take his advice and go home. I actually do need some sleep. I'm starting to stay up later than usual and if I keep this up, I may start having insomnia.

Once I arrived at my front porch, I opened the door and saw a note on the table from Wendy.


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