Love Rivals~ Gratsu/Implied Natsu x Others

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Gray's pov❄️

It all started when Natsu first joined the guild. As cute as the little dragon slayer he is, I had to pretend to hate him in order to hide my true feelings for him. As time went by, I realized that I couldn't keep this facade any longer. I soon started to gain rivals over the years.

First, it was Lisanna. She obviously had a crush on him back in the days, but after that whole Edolas thing, she moved on and went with Bixlow. To be honest, I was more than relieved to see that she no longer liked him. It gave me hope.

Second, it was Romeo. No! Not in that sort of way!! As the little kid he is, or was, he would always admire Natsu and follow him around, basically stealing his attention from almost anything. He acted like a clingy little boy who wouldn't share his things with anyone, which included Natsu. But I had no grudge against him. After all, he only saw Natsu as an older brother and he probably has a crush on Wendy anyways.

Third, it was Lucy. Heck, even our guild mates now still ship them together! I cannot even spend any time with Natsu as long as she is there by his side. The only good thing about this is that Natsu only sees her as a friend or sister, and vice versa, and Lucy has way too many suitors other to keep her busy, one of them being Loke. Thank god.

Fourth was Laxus. This a**hole. He is one of those people who would only watch from afar or keep things to themselves. To be honest, I though he had a crush on Mirajane or something with Freed, but that all went down the drain once I noticed that he occasionally takes glances at Natsu's ass. It was then I realize that he is one of the people who I should really be looking out for.

Fifth was Gajeel. Yep, Gajeel, but it was only temporary. Before he hooked up with Levy, I saw that he once held some sort of admiration towards Natsu. Now, that same admiration is towards the book worm and he now only sees Natsu as a potential rival for fighting, especially since they are both first generation dragon slayers. So, I don't see him as an enemy anymore actually...

Sixth was Jellal. It took me a while to process this one. After I found out that Erza was with him, I moved on, but even until now, I still feel suspicious around him though.

Seventh was that poison dragon, Cobra. He is that type of person who would actually do anything to have Natsu for himself. Hell, this guy was a pervert! I once caught him trying to put some sort of poison in Natsu while he was asleep and kidnap him, probably for his "personal" doings! It was then on I decided to beat the s**t out of him every time I see his face.

Eighth was that Zancrow guy, or something. When Natsu told us about his battle with the god slayer, I felt pissed. The way Natsu described his moves like trapping him in his flames made me think of horrible thoughts. He also mentioned that he had a crazed look in his eyes and licked his lips from time to time while battling. That SURE sounded suspicious as hell to me! I was kinda glad that Meredy told us he died by Zeref's hands.

Ninth was Rogue. When Natsu was battling the future version of him, I couldn't help but feel worried. Not because he was a combination of light and dark, but he was from the future!! The way he looked at Natsu with a wanting gaze already told me that they somehow hooked up in the future and I got so pissed to see that!! Thank goodness that the future changed, but I'm still cautious around the current Rogue...

Tenth was that demon guy named Jackal. When he and Natsu fought, Jackal acted like a predator and I may have eavesdropped on him saying that he planned to kidnap Natsu and use him as a slave. A slave! I don't even have to spell out the word for you guys to understand!

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