Happy New Years!~ Gratsu

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Hey readers! Happy New Years! I made a special just for you so enjoy!

Gray's pov❄️

I was sitting in the guild waiting for the rest of the members to show up. We are going to a festival where they will be hosting the fireworks and I honestly could not wait! I plan to kiss Natsu at the strike of midnight since this is the only way for him to finally understand my confession.

He never got any of the other hints and he was being so oblivious to any type of confession I was giving him. All in all, he just thought I was requesting for a fight or something.

When everyone was finally here, master took us to the festival and we were able to do whatever we want until 11:30. All I did was stare at Natsu for 30 minutes straight since he looked so cute in his red yukata. When he noticed me, he came towards my way and grinned.

"Hey stripper! Isn't this festival amazing?! I never knew New Years could be so beautiful!" He said as he munched on his cotton candy. I chuckled and ruffled his hair, which caused him to look at me weirdly.

"Yeah, it sure is." I replied. "Oi, why are you being so nice to me? You didn't even insult me back?" He questioned. I only shook my head and walked away.

Once I got to a safe distance away from him, I clutched my chest while blushing. Damn! Why does he have to be so freaking adorable?!

When it was already 11:55, everyone rushed towards the hill and tried to find a good spot to watch the fireworks. I sat down on a secluded spot next to a tree, and it turns out that I'm not the only one here.

"Hey ice princess! Why did you walk away from me? Did I do something wrong?" Natsu said as he plopped down on the spot next to me.

"No, you didn't do anything, pyro. I was just waiting for this moment to finally come." I said. He looked at me and I can tell that he was genuinely confused.

"5!" The people started to yell the countdown.

"Why? It's just fireworks, I mean, I know they're pretty but they come every new year and holiday."


"It's because of the tradition I heard of. It has something to do with what I'm planning to do."


"And what is that?"


"Natsu...I love you."


The fireworks burst out and at the same time, I pulled his shoulders towards me and combined our lips together. His eyes widened as a deep blush started to form on his face. Once we separated, he put his hands on his lips as he began to stutter.

"W-Why d-d-did you d-do that?!" He said as his blush now rivaled Erza's hair. I smiled and tilted his chin up so I could look into his big, beautiful eyes.

"Because I really do love you, Natsu. I have ever since that trip to Galuna Island and it grew as time passed by. I tried confessing to you before but you never got it and always mistaken them as challenges. This was the perfect chance to finally let you see how I feel about you." I said. His face softened and he wrapped his arms around my neck, giving me a warm hug.

I hugged him back and I started to feel a wetness on my shoulder.

"Natsu?" I pulled back to see him crying a bit. I wiped his tears and he gave me a cute smile.

"T-Thank you...I guess I kinda like you too. It just took me so long to realize it..." He replied. I smiled and gave him one last kiss before we turned around and watched the fireworks again. This time, as a new couple.


Sorry if it's short but right now, I'm not really feeling well, but I'll still try to update more.

Until then💕

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