The Fullbuster Household~ Gratsu

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This is from green-toothpaste-! This is a cute request but sadly, it is kinda short

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This is from green-toothpaste-! This is a cute request but sadly, it is kinda short. I'll make it as fluffy as possible though!

"May I have the rings?" The old man who stood at the alter asked. A certain blue cat flew down the aisle with a small, purple pillow holding two bands of shining silver and gold.

The man took the rings and gave them to the very-soon-to-be married couple. He cleared his throat before smiling.

"Do you, Gray Fullbuster, take Natsu Dragneel as your beloved husband, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, through rich and through poor, until death do you part?" The prime minister said as he gestured between the two.

"I do." Gray replied with so much love and pride that nearly caused Natsu to burst into tears.

"And do you, Natsu Dragneel, take Gray Fullbuster as your beloved husband, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, through rich and through poor, until death do you part?" He stated the phrase twice, only this time to the pink headed man.

"I-I do!" Natsu stuttered, causing a few little chuckles here and there. His face flushed in embarrassment.

The prime minister smiled and closed the book. He gave a small gesture and the two understood as they slid the rings onto the other's finger.

"Congratulations. You may now kiss the groom." He stated and Gray did not hesitate to grab onto his husband's waist and dipped him over for a kiss.

The room filled with cheers as they quickly stood up to throw congratulatory items into the air.

"LET'S PARTY!!!" Makarov yelled and the guild hall soon burst into a wild, crazy fest. Fairy Tail Style!

While the entire guild was busy  dancing and celebrating their butts off, the just-married couple sneaked out and went to their shared home so they could "celebrate" their marriage in their own way.


Morning came around and the two strong Fairy Tail mages could be seen cuddling each other while holding the other in a protective embrace.

The sun shone through the curtains, waking up the ice mage from his peaceful sleep. He yawned and looked down with adoration at the pink headed dragon slayer snuggled up against his bare chest.

"Hey, Natsu, wake up now." Gray whispered into his mate's ear, causing him to shiver before moving deeper into the sheets.

Gray shook his head in happiness and buried his face into the sweet neck of his significant other.

He rubbed his nose on some of Natsu's sensitive spots, causing him to groan and try moving his head away from the ice devil.

"Mmm! Gray! Let me sleep!" He whined as he turned around from his husband. Gray sighed in annoyance before blowing cold air on his lover's backside.

Natsu squealed as he shot up in shock before cutely glaring at the smirking ice mage.

"You meanie! First you wreck my a** and then you wake me up by blowing cold air! That's low Gray..." Natsu pouted, earning a laugh and a kiss from the taller mage.

"Sorry babe, but you wouldn't wake up. It was either I cool you down or I blow you the other way~! Either one was fine with me~!" He whispered in his husband's ear, smirking as he got a blush from him.

"Stupid! D-Don't say that!" Natsu said as he tried pushing Gray away. The ice mage wouldn't budge and began to trail kisses from his mate's lips down to his neck.

After their little intimate moment, the decided to take a shower together to "save water."

The water wasn't saved in the end...

The two were now helping each other by putting clothes on one another.

"Gray?..." Natsu spoke as he straightened Gray's tie. Gray payed attention to his mate once he heard the need in his lover's voice.

"Yes Natsu?" He said. He saw Natsu fidget and grabbed ahold of his hands before placing a gentle kiss on his knuckles.

"Go ahead." He whispered against the smaller hand, calming down Natsu with his gentle, cool aura.

Natsu relaxed and looked up with a red face but determination in his olive green eyes.

"I want a kid." He said. Gray stood shocked for a second before smiling and leaning his head against Natsu's own.

"Okay, we can adopt a child." Gray has never seen Natsu smile brighter.


"Okay, sign here please." The lady at the desk asked as she sorted out the legal paperwork for the child adoption.

Natsu had to sign under the Mother's category (though through lots of convincing provided by Gray, seeing as how their names couldn't fit in one box) as Gray signed under the Father's category.

"Okay sirs. He is all good to go!" The caretaker said. Soon, the boy who they had picked out came rushing out the room with a little blue suitcase and big grin on his face.

"Daddy! Papa!" He yelled as the hugged the two by the legs. Natsu picked up the small child and gave him a loving hug before Gray decided to join in the family grouping.

"You're going to be named Fuyu Fullbuster from now on! Is that alright with you?" Natsu asked. Fuyu nodded tremendously, his purple hair going back and forth along with his head.

Gray chuckled and planted a kiss on his son's head before giving his mate a much more passionate kiss on the lips.

"Ew!" Fuyu giggled, barely covering his eyes with chubby fingers. Natsu tickled him on the stomach before giving him a forehead kiss too.

"We have our own family now." Gray said as he wrapped his arms around Natsu's waist.

Natsu looked up at him with a loving gaze before giving him another kiss.


That is the fluffiest thing I have ever written in my entire life and I am incredibly proud of myself! Thanks for reading!

Until then💕

Until then💕

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