Dance/Music/Art!~ Gratsu Week

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Here's day 6! I chose art by the way.

Natsu and Gray were very famous people. Almost everyone in the guild knew about them, as well as the rest of their fans. They knew every single detail about them because let's admit, Natsu and Gray can't lie to their only family.

However, there were two very important things that nobody knew.

First, Natsu and Gray are a couple. Yes, a couple. Two people who are dating and are in a very intimate relationship with each other. Two people who were together for how many years.

Second, both Natsu and Gray are, believe it or not, art prodigies. However, this fact was unknown even to each other.

Natsu would secretly paint memories of his times in the guild, as well as portrates of fellow members. He would especially paint precious moments with his lover and sometimes, just Gray in general.

He would always hang them in a private room, somewhere under his house where even Happy didn't know existed. Sometimes he would even give them away as gifts, though remain anonymous. For example, Master Makarov has a painting of the guild symbol in his office, but still doesn't know who gave it to him in the first place.

Gray would make elegant ice sculptures of his lover, Natsu, and scenes he would picture in his mind. Even though everyone knows about his beautiful sculptures wielded by magic, these special works of art used no magic at all. He would craft them with only his bare hands, a block of ice, and tools because he could never imitate the true beauty of Natsu with any sort of magic.

He would sometimes use one sculpture as a reminder for an occasion he would plan to do.
For example, he once made a figurine of their wedding on their fifth anniversary and a few months later, a small velvet box is now laying hidden in sight in one of his drawers.

The two never knew about these sweet acts of adoration they would create and only time will tell when one secret will be revealed.


Just something that popped into my head!

Until then💕

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