My Little Demon~ Gratsu

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AOT'S Thoughts: 'Hmm, this request is difficult, very difficult

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AOT'S Thoughts: 'Hmm, this request is difficult, very difficult. What should I do?' *pauses and thinks for a moment*  💡  (" ̄︶ ̄")

Warning: AU where Natsu and Gray don't know each other and are mortal enemies but fall in love anyways.

Natsu's pov🔥

The chains on my wrists rattled as I tried pulling on them again. Stupid fairies and their little magic restraints!

This was all because of that ice bastard! Who knew someone actually had the power to weaken me! Me, the most powerful demon in the entire universe!

"N-Ngh! AAAH!" Another icy shock went throughout my entire being. I was beginning to lose my breath with all the cold surrounding me. F**king devil slayer...

"You never give up do you." I heard that same annoying voice of the one person I've been anxious to get my claws on. I gave him my most menacing glare but he merely shrugged it off.

"Face it. You'll never escape now that you're in my hands, END." He taunted with that smirk of his, crossing his arms over his muscular chest.

"S-Shut up human! Y-You don't know a t-thing about me! A little ice won't stop me from t-tearing your heart out!" I yelled, only to be chuckled at by his amused looking expression.

"Yeah, that's pretty less threatening when you're the one covered in my ice and shivering beyond compare. I thought you would have frozen by now but I guess it works differently on flame idiots." He said as he examined my weakened form.

"Excuse me? I'll have you know that I am not a demon to be reckoned with and that you will be the first on my death list once I get out of here." I snarled. He just rolled his eyes at me and stepped closer.

"Oh yeah? Well then, sweetheart, I'll just make sure that I'm never letting you go." He growls as he leaned down to my level. Ugh, I hate it when people look down on me.

I bared my fangs as I tried reaching for him, only to have another shock run through me. He smirked and turned around to exit the room.

"Oh, and by the way..." He paused before looking at me will a devilish smirk, "being bound in ice suits you~!"

I couldn't help but blush at his shameless comment. How dare that human taunt me after putting me in his makeshift chains?!

I kept on struggling before I've finally run out of magic. I panted so hard, I could see my breath come out in puffs of steam.

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