Just The Way You Are~ Gratsu

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Requested by Mystic_KawaiiNeko!! Oh goodness, this is gonna be cheesy as heck

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Requested by Mystic_KawaiiNeko!! Oh goodness, this is gonna be cheesy as heck...

A group of people were currently huddled on a certain table at lunch, laughing and making fools out of themselves. Even with their weird behavior, they still managed to earn their title.

They are what the school calls the popular group. They have strong bonds, nice personalities, and not to mention, really good looks...

I wish I was like them...I wish I was able to have friends like that. But I can't, at least, not with my life. My past is one I don't want to remember and I have a habit of isolating myself from literally everything.

My name is Natsu Dragneel and I just recently transferred high schools. For some reason, my previous school had to close down because of something related to sanitary problems. I still fail to see what was the problem.

I somehow managed to survive through my first few classes, with a little introductions here and there. Besides telling my classes my name, I barely said a word to anyone here.

It was currently lunch time and I was walking through the cafeteria. Luckily, no one managed to notice me yet as I try to escape this really chatty room.

It's way too stuffy in here, and I'm not saying this because I'm hiding my face in my scarf. Just when I was about to exit the room, some guy bumped into me and managed to knock me off my feet.

No, seriously. I just landed three feet away from where I was standing.

"Oh s**t! Sorry." A deep voice swore as he bent down to give me a hand. The whole cafeteria went silent as they watched us interact.

I looked up to see a guy with raven hair, blackish blue eyes, a handsome face, and was...shirtless?

My scarf fell from my face as I stared at him. I then realize my situation and turned my head. I stood up by myself and faced the raven haired stranger again.

"I-It's fine...thank you though..." I stuttered before running out the doors.

Dammit, that was embarrassing!

Gray's Pov ❄

Crap! I can't believe I'm losing to Lyon out of all people!

We were challenging each other to a test of strength, seeing which one of us has the ability to push the other one over. And so far, I'm losing...

Still, there's no way in hell I'm going to lose to my older brother!

"Grrrrraaah!" I yelled as I pushed my full body weight into my arms and somehow made him topple over the table's chairs.

"S**T!" He yelled as he landed into Juvia's chest. Her face turned extremely red to the point where she was practically boiling and tried to claw his pleasured face off.

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