Pose For Me, Baby~ Gratsu

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This request is from Jammerblue08716! To be honest, I don't know how modeling works so this is going to be a first tried attempt

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This request is from Jammerblue08716! To be honest, I don't know how modeling works so this is going to be a first tried attempt. Enjoy!

Gray's pov❄

Dammit! Four rejected offers in one week again. I don't get why it's so hard to model for just a few certain poses and be done with it.

I mean, they're suppose to be professional modelers right?! They should be use to this kind of stuff, it's not like I'm a pervert or something!! Why did Mr. Makarov have to assign this job to me?!

I decided to just take a walk so that I can cool my head and relax. All this searching for a new model is killing me and I just want to go home and sleep...

I strolled past a few shops that were familiar to me ever since I moved here, but there was this one place that just recently opened up.

It was a small café that sold sweets and I heard it was run by only two people. I decided to just check it out since it has been getting popular recently.

A little bell tinkled as I opened the glass door. Inside looked like a cobble stone room, much like a house and it had such a cozy feeling to it. Not to mention, the smell was absolutely divine.

There were many treats out on display and a few people were here but it was kind of nice. It even held a little bookshelf probably for the customers entertainment and a screen TV just above the counter holding some very delicious looking sweets.

"Hello sir, may I help you?" A small, high pitch voice asked. I turned around to see a little blue haired girl with a white dress on.

"Uh, I'm not sure. This is my first time coming here." I said. She smiled and led me towards one of tables next to the window. God, even the chair felt heavenly. She set down a menu and gave me a complimentary glass of water.

"Is there anything you'd like to try though? We even give free samples to see if it's to our customers' taste!" The little girl said. I nodded and she took out a small notepad.

"What would you like to try?"

I looked through the menu to see all sorts of delicious treats. They even served normal foods like pasta or fish but most of the things here are desserts.

"Um, I think I'll just try one of your strawberry short cakes. I'm not really much of a sweet tooth." I replied. She nodded and took back the menu.

"Alright sir. Also, my name is Wendy but your server will be a person named Natsu." And with that, she left.

I sat still while looking around this place before taking a sip of my water. After about ten minutes of waiting, the doors to the kitchen opened and out stepped out a young looking boy with pink hair.

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