Childish Behavior~ Stingsu/Gratsu

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Warning: contains a threesome! Enjoy!

Natsu's pov🔥

This is the worst experience I have ever had!...oh wait, you guys don't know what happened. Well, let me summon up a flashback and explain.


"Natsu-saaaaaaan!!!!!!" I heard from a distance. I was about to turn around until I felt something hit my arse. I blushed and tried to swat the unknown thing away until I realized that it was actually Sting.

Sting. Was. Hugging. My. Waist. With. His. Face. On. My. Ass. In. Front. Of. My. Crush. The embarrassment: 100,000,000/10 >////^////<

"Woah, what the f**k flame brain? I didn't know you and a Sabertooth were dating." My crush, Gray fudging Fullbuster, the ice freak, remarked with a teasing smirk on his face. I glared at him with a unconvincing blush on my face.

"We're NOT DATING!!! What is wrong with you, you ice princess?!?!?!" I yelled back as I tried to get a hit on him, but couldn't because of the bone crushing bear hug Sting has around my hips.

"Oh, Sting, you're finally here." Erza said as she walked up to us. Sting let go faster than Laxus's Lightning and regained his composure in front of the mighty Titania.

"Yes Erza-san. I have arrived here just like you asked. Is there anything wrong that you'd have to call me all the way from my guild?" Sting said, which almost made me do an anime fall since he said that like he hasn't been hugging my arse just a few seconds ago.

"No, I just needed another person for something I need help with. I was suppose to ask Natsu but what I have to do wouldn't affect him at all, seeing that his personality is already as childish as can be. Now, Gray, come with me. It involves the thing I asked you for as well." Erza said as she walked away with the two behind her.

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