Meeting the Brother~ Lyon x Juvia & Gratsu

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Hi guys! BTW, I made Juvia and Natsu siblings because I got an idea that seemed really cute to me! Enjoy!

AU but still with magic :3


Third person's pov

"See ya Juvia, I'll miss you!" Lyon said as he kissed her on the cheek because she was going away for a while. Everyone else who was with them waved bye as she started to board the train.

"Good bye, Lyon-sama! See you too Gray-kun! Minna! Juvia will miss you guys! Don't worry, Juvia will be back soon!!" She said as she waved her friends and boyfriend goodbye.

As the train started moving, her friends started to cry because they don't know how long she will be gone.

"Think you can handle being away from her for a while?" Gray said as he patted his older brother's shoulder.

"I don't think so, but I can try for her." He said with a sad smile. Gray nodded and led him to their friends.

"Cheer up Lyon, we will all miss Juvia. Besides, I'm pretty sure that she will be back as quick as your ice magic can freeze." Lucy said as she held a napkin in her hand that she previously used to wipe her tears. Lyon nodded.

"Alright, let's go back to our school dorms now. It's gonna get late soon." Erza said. They all followed her as she leaded the way back to Magnolia High. (A/N: Yeah, I made all the guilds in Fairy Tail into one whole school.)

While they were walking, Lyon created a heart with his ice magic in less than two seconds and smiled.

'I'll be waiting for you, my love~'

-----------Time Skip-----------------------------------------------------------

Two Years Have Passed...

Lyon was busy playing on his computer when all of a sudden, a call for a video chat suddenly appeared on his screen. Lyon nearly jumped out of his skin since he had headphones on and the volume was a little above high. He clicked the answer button and a familiar face that appeared made his heart leap with joy.

"J-Juvia!!" He exclaimed but then quickly shut up because his little brother and sister, Ultear, were asleep and no one wants to get on their cranky side when they wake up. Especially Gray since he is a devil slayer and can literally freeze you to hell if possible.

"Hi Lyon-sama! Juvia misses you and apologizes for not contacting you ever since we first parted. Juvia has been busy over the years!" She said as she gave a small bow. Lyon only smiled and sighed.

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