Plushie Gray~ Gratsu

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This one shot is kinda similar to Doll, except there's no smut and it's extremely fluffy! Enjoy!

Gray's pov❄️

Mother F**ker. Why the hell is today torturing me?! First, I get stuck on a mission with Juvia, ALONE. Second, when we defeated the cursed witch, she "accidentally" spilled what she thought was a love potion on me from the witch's cabinet. Third, IT WASN'T A DAMN LOVE POTION THOUGH AND NOW SHE TURNED ME INTO SOME LITTLE DOLL PLUSHIE!!!

Even worse, she hugged the daylights out of me and even stuffed me into her dress so no one would take me. Dear god, someone please save me from this creepy stalker!!

Luckily, while we were heading back to the guild, I unknowingly slipped out of her dress and fell right into the middle of a forest. Man, is anyone even going to find me out here? Only a complete loner or idiot would even come across this path.

"Hey Happy, what do you think we'll catch today?!"
"Probably some more fish!"

And I stand least the idiot part was right. Coming my way was the one and only flame brain with the bright pink hair and his annoying blue cat. When they were just a few feet ahead, I heard them stop and felt their stares boring into my plush.

"Eh, what's this doll thingy of Gray doing out here?" Natsu said as he picked me up and stared at me with his big green/hazel/black eyes.
(A/N: I literally don't know the real color, okay? It always changes in the episodes from time to time...)

"I don't know, Natsu, maybe it belongs to Juvia or something!" Happy said as he continued his way to their regular fishing place. Natsu just shrugged and opened up his vest to put me inside.

"Yeah, we should probably return it to her tomorrow. For now, let's go continue our fishing!" He exclaimed as he pumped his fist.

No! I don't want to go back to that water freak!

On the other hand, I never noticed how warm his temperature really was. It was so comforting that I would've fallen asleep if it wasn't for the fact that my eyes are now permanently open since I'm a plushie. While I was in here, I also noticed that he was fairly muscular with some feminine like curves around his waist and hips.

Dang, I've seen him naked multiple times before when we were bathing at the men's showers, but never have I really payed attention to his body features. He' Thank goodness for my emotionless face as a plushie, otherwise I would've blushed.

--------Time Skip brought to you by Gray's perverted thoughts~-------

When they were done with their fishing spree, they finally went home, taking me with them. Honestly, I was quite excited to see the flame idiot's house since I've never been there before. When we got to their house, Happy immediately went to his room, probably going to lacrima chat with Carla and eat his freshly caught fish.

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